Put the name of your team here Put team member names here
Key Corporate Facts Major Industries served (top three only) Gross/Net Revenue (make sure you include both gross and net figures– you do not have to discuss them now) Major Current Strengths (top three in their current strategy) Major Current Weaknesses (top three in their current strategy)
Current Mission and Vision Company Mission Statement (highlight the key points) Company Vision Statement (highlight the key points) (Note: If they don’t have one or both of these, it can be a major part of the problem)
Current Company Strategy and Focus What is the current company strategy What is the primary strategic objective (value driver) that the current mission, vision, and strategy are attempting to deliver
Will The Current Strategy Work? Look for: Inconsistencies with the mission Lack of focus or direction in the Vision Flaws somewhere in the value chain (this is a good place to display Porter’s model) Dynamics that make the current strategy ineffective
Where we think they need to go This slide sets up the entire strategic analysis. They have to do something different than what they’re doing. If you feel that they need to enter a new market, develop new products, adjust their capabilities, restructure, or even split themselves apart, everything from here on needs to be in the context of that new direction. (Make sure your recommendation is strategic. Just fixing a functional weakness won’t do.) Use this slide to articulate the Strategy that you are recommending. The logic/reasons for your recommendation always follow this slide, so you can’t put this slide at the end
External Analysis (remember these are in relation to the direction you want them to go, not where they currently are!) Key broad trends (top two or three and why you chose them) Key Porter’s forces in play (top three and why you chose them) Key competitors they will face if they do what you want – It probably won’t be the ones they’re facing now…
Key Success Factors Top three key success factors for the industry/segment/strategy that you want the company to move to Which company currently will be the major competitor (“800-pound” gorilla) in the new strategic direction
SWT – do this all on one slide (Again, these have to relate to where you want them to go, not where they are. Notice that the “O” is missing. You’ll get to that later) Top two strengths they have/need to acquire in the new strategic direction (if any) Top two weakness they’ll have to overcome if they go where you want them to go Top two threats they will face, one of which may be the threat of retaliation from the gorilla
This would be a great place to insert a strategic group map of your strategic recommendation – before you talk about opportunities.
Opportunities Top three opportunities in the new strategy to either: Capitalize on one of the strengths that you listed Overcome one of the weaknesses that you listed Defend against one of the threats that you listed
Financial Issues they will face (The question you’re trying to answer is how the company will pay for your strategic recommendation) Long-term Debt Load (ability to access the capital market) Quick Ratio (ability to use assets) (better for manufacturing companies than the current ratio) Current P/E ratio (ability to access the equity market) How much will your strategy cost? (you need to do a SWAG $$$ estimate) Which financial lever (or what combination) can the company use to execute your strategy?
Key Functional Areas affected: No strategy comes without a price and not all costs are monetary. Consider the entire resource bundle (Porter’s Value Chain again). If the company executes your strategy, the value chain will be affected. Which three functional areas (either primary or secondary) will need focus in your strategy?
Strategic Objectives You need conclude your presentation with three complete strategic objective statements that will tell the company what they will accomplish, the timeframe in which it will be accomplished, and the benefits that the company will get from executing your strategy Remember, in order for a strategy to be acceptable, it needs to be measurable, reasonable, and time-bound.
Call for Questions That’s it. If you’ve covered all 14 slides, you’re done. However, never ask the audience if “they have any questions.” That statement is a presentation death wish. Ask “Are there any points from our presentation that need clarification?” Also, Only one person should answer any individual question – NO tag-teaming on answers – it makes you look unprepared.
One last point: The entire presentation can take no more than 15 minutes. Once you hit 15 minutes, I stop grading. There are 13 content slides. Therefore, you can’t afford to take any more than an average of one minute per slide. When you hit slide six, you should have at least 10 minutes left if you’re doing this correctly. The first five slides are set-up slides – don’t dwell on them – hit your points and move on.