SC Agenda – 16th Feb 2012 Opening & Introductions Minutes of the meeting 30th January, including action points Developments in last weeks a. Update NDMA b. Update lessons learned 2010 ER shelter c. Updates from the districts d. Update from Balochistan (NRC) 4. Update from organizations 5. Information Management Emergency 3Ws and emergency distribution updates Recovery Remaining Emergency Needs by UC Updated - UC prioritization map Shelter Cluster 2011 Floods Update of the UC ranking exercise in Sindh. Updated - Overview of current Material prices in the districts TSSU Presentation on the CCCM trainings Technical Update – strategy, training and publicity material Discussion about proposal for outreach campaign ‘self recovery’ HERWG updates Updates from HERWG Announcement NDMA – UN HABITAT conference
Action Points 31-01 1. Education Presentation will be shared with the minutes of the meeting UPDATE - Completed 2. Education Cluster requested TSSU for a clear definition of a temporary settlement. UPDATE – TSSU considers as temporary settlement when 5 or more displace families more are living together in a temporary shelter solution. 3. Disseminate key ‘save shelter’ and ‘sanitation’ (WASH) messages through education. UPDATE – Ongoing, will become part of the outreach strategy. 4. Shelter / wash drafting a policy paper on coordination / integration of activities. UPDATE - Ongoing 5. SC share the UC boundary data with other cluster and OCHA. 6. Approach logistics cluster for help with the collection of construction material prices. UPDATE – Logistics Cluster Cannot do this 7. Publish CCCM training documentation on the website. UPDATE – 4 trainings held, plans for future training strategy being developed
Action points 8. SC organize TWIG for adaptation of the recovery posters + Organizations share their materials with SC for consideration of dissemination. (UN-Habitat to share a new poster that they have been developing over the last month) UPDATE - Ongoing 9. Technical Shelter Training material should be available latest mid February. UPDATE – Ongoing 10. The results and the DRR Assessment questionnaire will be shared with the Shelter Cluster. UPDATE – Postponed by approx. 1 month; ongoing 11. Organize lessons learned activity UPDATE – 2nd meeting held, next steps are Implementing partners and coordinators 12. SC share Red R training needs survey form UPDATE - Completed NEW ACTION ITEMS 1. Try to acquire UC level emergency distribution data from PDMA and NDMA. 2. UN-Habitat needs to check for DFP in Tando Muhammad Khan. 16th Feb 2012
District updates Shaheed Benazirabad: On-going emergency distributions; Latest estimation district authorities : 60,000 hs partially damaged; 40,000 completely destroyed. ER plan: PAF to build 500 houses in certified villages/; one room shelters + kitchen and latrines; 2,500 one room houses to be built with the support of Saudi Pak: 1,000 in taluka Daur, 500 in each other 3 talukas, Value PKR 150,000!); other funding opportunities explored by the authorities, calling for the assistance of humanitarian community. Solidarites will cover one UC with WASH activities, interested to work in close coordination with the shelter agencies
District updates Tando Mohammad Khan: on-going identification of remaining needs for emergency assistance multisectoral UC prioritization exercise conducted, consistent with SC results; self-recovery rate very slow, particularly in rural areas (less than 10%) due to absence of resources (financial and material); Request for technical assistance. UN-H planning full coverage of 3 UCs plans for 5,600 TS – 1,500 completed; 981 latrines, 82 hand pumps installed, 16th Feb 2012
Districts Updates Sanghar : 15 UCs still partially underwater (estimation 30-40%); Emergency distributions (PU, IOM). Few ER plans (HANDS, VDO), Opportunities to combine WASH activities and Shelter activities; most of IDPs are settled in their UC of origin; self-recovery activities on-going in Sinjohro; Jam nawaz ali; Khipro taluka isolated; Mirpur Khas : Small pockets of Taluka Jhudo & taluka Sindhri under water. Emergency assistance on going (ACTED, CESVI, StC) Assistance needed in UC tando Jan Muhammad; ER plans from RDF (900 in UC Puledyoon), GSF (920 in UC Ismail Jo Goth ); NCH (200) CWW (600 shelters in MPK, Sanghar, Dadu), Cesvi; Hands in pipe line.
District updates Badin : On-going emergency distributions; 100 TS by SEAD, with nut bolt joint bamboos and U clip fixing on Girder using local technique. Umerkot NFIs needed identified in Daasori, Kundi in Umerkot, in UC Kaloi and Bhitaro in Tharparkar Discussions on joining efforts with Food for Work and Cash for Work activities, including through toolkits distributions. Suggested to add wheel barrows to toolkits Technical assistance needed by both Shelter organizations and communities for ER activities 16th Feb 2012
District Updates Tharparkar & Tando Allayar: Updates available this week and next week. 16th Feb 2012
SC Update – Distributions Total distributions (Sindh and Balochistan) so far (figures in brackets are the change so far during this month): Shelters 520,409 (10,264) Acted, Concern, IOM, Save the Children Blankets 593,825 (12,016) IOM, Rotary Club Kitchen Sets 105,339 (1,441) IOM Toolkits 24,856 (6,917) Concern, Save the Children, UN-Habitat
Agency Summary – Emergency 10,264 emergency shelters distributed between 31th Jan and 15th Feb 2012
Emergency Shelter Trend
Blankets Trend
Kitchen Set Trend
Toolkits Trend
Overview ER shelter plans 16th Feb 2012
TSSU 6th assessment round started today. Results expected end of February. Questionnaire have been revised with input from other clusters. Special focus on ‘return intensions’ and reasons for remaining in camps Priority TS will be highlighted 16th Feb 2012
Planned assessments Area’s of return assessment. Beginning of March Mainly focusing on recovery rate sofar / coping mechanism Use of bamboo Beginning of March 16th Feb 2012
TWIG Outreach 16th Feb 2012
Capacity-Building on Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM)
Goal To strengthen the capacity of the Government of Pakistan, civil society and humanitarian organizations to provide a systematic and structured approach to assistance and protection for internally displaced persons in camp-like settings
Objectives To establish a provincial roster of CCCM Experts and Master Trainers, comprised of representatives from Government, civil society and humanitarian organizations, to be called upon as resource persons to: provide technical expertise on Camp management with their departments or organizations further disseminate Camp Management knowledge and build Camp Management capacity through delivery of trainings within their departments, organizations and at the community level; coordinate implementation of Camp Management and other assistance and protection activities during times of need
Way forward – Feb & March Compilation and sharing of training report and strategy paper, with complete list of persons trained and contacts Establishment of web-based platform for dissemination, sharing and sharing of project framework, key resources and roster membership Shortlisting of potential participants for Training of Trainers Consultative workshop with high level participants from Government, civil society and NGOs, to share accomplishments, discuss way forward and assess interest and commitment Delivery of fifth training using final package (location to be determined) Training of Trainers in Karachi for most promising participants from 5 previous trainings
Way forward – from April Continuing discussion with key stakeholders to assess current activities and needs and advise on way forward Establishment of support platform to ensure sustainability, utilization and activity of the roster and its members Consideration of expansion to additional districts and provinces, upon identification of needs and by request Further development of training materials to address specific identified needs to local context, potentially including DRM and Contingency Planning Integration of capacity building program within national DRM and Contingency Planning priorities, framework and activities
Next meeting Protection cluster presentation on Land and Property rights 16th Feb 2012