Multicast Listener Discovery


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Presentation transcript:

Multicast Listener Discovery Lesson 7 Multicast Listener Discovery

Lesson Objectives Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) protocol Multicast communication for IPv6 hosts and routers MLD messages

Overview of Multicast Listener Discovery IPv6 equivalent of Internet Group Management Protocol version 2 (IGMPv2) for IPv4 Enables routers to discover the set of multicast addresses for which there are listening nodes for each attached interface

IPv6 Multicast Overview Multicast provides one-to-many delivery The set of hosts listening on a specific IPv6 multicast address is called a multicast group Multicast group membership is dynamic, and hosts can join and leave the group at any time There are no limitations to the size of a multicast group A multicast group can span IPv6 routers across multiple subnets A host can send traffic to a multicast address without being a member of the group

Host Support for Multicast To send multicast packets: Determine the IPv6 multicast address to use Place the IPv6 multicast packet on the medium To receive multicast packets: Inform IPv6 to receive multicast traffic Register the multicast MAC address with the network adapter Inform local routers

Router Support for Multicast Receive all IPv6 multicast traffic Forward IPv6 multicast traffic Receive and process MLD Multicast Listener Report and Multicast Listener Done messages Query attached subnets for host membership status Communicate group membership to other IPv6 multicast routers

Structure of an MLD Message Packet IPv6 Header Next Header = 0 (Hop-by-hop Options) Hop-by-Hop Options Header IPv6 Router Alert Option Next Header = 58 (ICMPv6) MLD Message

Structure of the Multicast Listener Query Message Type Code Checksum Maximum Response Delay Unused Multicast Address = 130 = 0 = 0

Structure of the Multicast Listener Report Message Type Code Checksum Maximum Response Delay Unused Multicast Address = 131 = 0 = 0 = 0

Structure of the Multicast Listener Done Message Type Code Checksum Maximum Response Delay Unused Multicast Address = 132 = 0 = 0 = 0

Review Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) protocol Multicast communication for IPv6 hosts and routers MLD messages