A service of UNAIDS Jonathan Brown Georgia, September 2007


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Presentation transcript:

Making the Money Work in Support of Universal Access AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) A service of UNAIDS Jonathan Brown Georgia, September 2007 ASAP Website: www.worldbank.org/ASAP

AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS Why Strategies? National HIV/AIDS Strategies are needed to: Attract and sustain funding (Ministry of Finance, donors, etc.) Assure an important role for civil society and communities Align external support to national strategies Respond to heterogeneity of epidemics Implement the principles of the Three Ones AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS

AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS Why Action Plans? Annual Action Plans are needed to: Improve implementation Ensure timely response to changing epidemics and environment Link to government planning cycles and budgets Move from project to program support in order to serve as the foundation for program funding (from GFATM and other donors) AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS

Review of Existing Strategies Strengths Forging high level commitment Broad range of actions Consultative process and involvement of various stakeholders Focus on stigma reduction and multisectoral responses Limitations Not always based on evidence and transmission patterns Not prioritized Limited monitoring and evaluation Limited costing Not translated into implementable action plans Not fully inclusive ASAP Website: www.worldbank.org/ASAP AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS

Review of Existing Strategies ASAP review shows evidence base and prioritization weakest - management and costing also weak Source: World Bank, 2005 AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS

The Challenge: Wasting Money 0.8% AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS

Adapting the response to evolving epidemics Composition of People Living with HIV/AIDS Thailand 1988-2010 AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS

Global share and source of HIV infections

AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS Origin of ASAP Created by the Global Task Team Division of labor – major partners: ILO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP, UNAIDS Secretariat, WHO, World Bank (lead partner) Initial Business Plan developed at Stakeholder Meeting in January 2005 Principles: Demand driven Flexible Consultative ASAP Website: www.worldbank.org/ASAP AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS

AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS ASAP Operations Requests for support come from: NACs/CCMs UNAIDS Country Coordinators UNAIDS Cosponsors Consultation process for deciding on support UNAIDS Country Coordinator UNAIDS Secretariat WB TTL and local WB staff Consultation process for providing support: Country Stakeholders UNAIDS Technical Support Facilities Interested UNAIDS Co-sponsors Financial Donors ASAP Website: www.worldbank.org/ASAP AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS

Demand for ASAP Support Peer Review Confidential review of strategies by international experts - 13 requests e.g. Latvia and Madagascar Technical and financial support for strategy development Specialized – 10 requests e.g. Tanzania and Guyana Comprehensive - 10 requests e.g. Barbados, Honduras, and Afghanistan Pipeline – 6 countries (including Latvia & Kosovo) ASAP Website: www.worldbank.org/ASAP AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS

Other Types of ASAP Support Tool development Self-assessment tool and guidelines Road map for strategy development Practice Notes on strategies and costing Action plan guide under development Capacity Building Being led by INSP of Mexico, with seven regional institutions, to deliver workshops in every region of the world by the end of 2008 Asia/Pacific workshop, in collaboration with UNAIDS RST to take place in September ASAP Website: www.worldbank.org/ASAP AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS

Lessons learned from first year of operation How to strengthen strategies? Strategies must be based on a good understanding of the epidemic If you don’t have the data, get it Prioritization is key if the response is to be truly strategic Government ownership is essential – consultant-driven strategies are problematic Early planning is key – consultative processes take time AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS

AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS Strong strategies must focus on results Monitoring & Evaluation Establishment of an appropriate M&E system and funding of operations for five years Agreement with stakeholders on a Results Framework - the Third One Capacity building in M&E for stakeholders Mechanisms to ensure M&E results influence decision-making AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS

1 year of ASAP operations

How to Access ASAP Services A simple email will do! jbrown3@worldbank.org jleno@worldbank.org www.worldbank.org/ASAP AIDS Strategy and Action Plan (ASAP) – A service of UNAIDS