Warm-up Write 5 sentences in response to anything related to Macbeth.
? Standards Essential Question ELACC11-12RL7: Analyze multiple interpretations of a story, drama, or poem (e.g., recorded or live production of a play or recorded novel or poetry), evaluating how each version interprets the source text. ELACC11-12RL10:…read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems…. What are the differences between seeing a play performed and reading it? Looking back on the entire play, why do you think it was so popular then, and why is it still so popular now? ?
Discussion Questions Who has undergone a bigger change over the course of the play, Lady Macbeth or Macbeth? Is Macbeth as confident as he appears about his ability to defeat the rebels, or is he in denial? * Take notes to turn in for credit.
How do you determine what is good and what is evil How do you determine what is good and what is evil? What leads Macbeth into engaging in evil? Why does Macbeth, who knows that his actions are evil and will be punished, continue to choose evil? Can greed affect our decision-making? Explain. How does this affect Macbeth once he becomes King? How does Lady Macbeth use this to get what she wants from the beginning of the play?
Superstition affects human behavior- How does superstition affect the decisions that the main characters make? Do people still allow superstition to affect their decisions? How? Characterize the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. If the main theme of Macbeth is ambition, whose ambition is the driving force of the play—Macbeth’s, Lady Macbeth’s, or both?
Activity Choices Create a study guide or create a review video/PowerPoint. At least 20 questions, facts, notes. Include: characters, quotes, plot, theme, history, etc. *Due Monday.
Exit Slip Homework Tell me one of your study guide questions/facts. Study. Study. Study. Study Quiz