Ms. Herrera Algebra 1 Room 134 Please take your seat and wait quietly
EOC Algebra 1 End of course exam in April Graduation requirement
Include name, period, and ID in email Let’s COMMUNICATE Email: Include name, period, and ID in email Remind: TEXT Period 1/2: @f2fd4f Period 3: @8b3ea9 Period 4/5: @79hfha Period 6: @88heb6 To the number 81010
CLASSROOM Rules Be on time. Come to class prepared. Respect your surroundings. Turn off cell phones. Clean up after yourselves. Wait to be dismissed.
CONSEQUENCES Warning Phone call home Detention Referral
SUPPLY List 2 inch binder (or bigger) 3 Dividers labeled: Bell Ringers, Notes, Homework #2 Pencils Highlighters Calculator Line paper Graph paper Post-its (optional) Different colored pens (optional) Expo markers and eraser (optional)
GRADING Scale Tests – 40% Quizzes – 30% Classwork – 20% Homework – 10%
Enter quietly. Take out homework (I will not collect it if it is not ready to be handed in by the time I ask for it). Work on bell ringer. When complete, please wait quietly and patiently until further instructions are given. If you have a question or need to speak to me about something, write me a sticky note and leave it on your desk. I will pick it up and speak to you when possible.
Be engaged in the lesson Be engaged in the lesson. I enjoy hearing your thoughts and different ways you can solve a problem. Make sure your questions or comments are relevant. If not, you may ask me after class. Do NOT sharpen pencils or throw away trash during a lesson. Please wait until after. Pack up your belongings when instructed to do so. Clean up your desk and pick up any trash before dismissal. I dismiss you, not the bell.
If you arrive late, please enter quietly and go to your seat. If you have a note, put it on my desk. If you do not have a note, you will not receive credit for the bell ringer. Make sure to turn in admit slips if left school early. Having 10 or more UNexcused absences throughout the school year will result in an NC (No Credit) in the gradebook.
ABSENCES & Make-ups Students are expected to turn in assignments on time No late work will be accepted unless accompanied by an EXCUSED absence Work completed without an excused absence will result in a Z until the absence is excused. Makeup work should be completed in the same amount of days as the student missed It is the student’s responsibility to look at the calendar and get the work missed.
BATHROOM Policy You may NOT use the restroom during the first 15 minutes or last 15 minutes of class. Do NOT ask to use the restroom during a lesson. Please wait until after. When using the restroom, write your name on the board and leave your cellphone on the board before you leave the room. Erase your name and collect your phone once you return.
You will have homework everyday. Homework is due the following class unless otherwise noted. Assignments not turned in will receive a Z (Zero) in the gradebook, which is the equivalent of an F.
“ ” Every student can learn. Just not on the same day or the same way. Type your text here ”