MS. Tiffany Jones BIOLOGY ASTRONOMY CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS SUPPLY LIST Buff Binder-2 inch, 3 ring binder Pencil and highlighters Notecards (2 for you, 2 for me) $3 lab fee Kleenex and paper towels GRADING POLICY Birdville ISD Standard Grading scale Three Test Grades minimum Nine daily Grades minimum, drop lowest With the exception of the first six weeks, all grades given during the last week of the six weeks will count for the next six weeks. Tutorial help option: blended learning lab Mon.-Thurs. 7-7:25 am and 2:45-3:30 pm MS. Tiffany Jones Room number 103A RESTROOM POLICY NO restroom passes will be given during class (due to the location the portable). EXCEPTION: you have a doctor’s note on file with the nurse BIOLOGY ASTRONOMY CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Follow all CHAMPs Follow directions the first time Use materials appropriately Electronics, food, and drinks are put away (unless teacher has given permission to use them for a lesson) Stay school appropriate Consequences Warning Phone call home/conference with teacher D-hall Office Referral **These consequences are for minimum offenses** RETAKING ASSESSMENTS Students will have 1 week from when the test was given to redo/retake failing grades OR make up a missing test Maximum grade of 70 for retake/redo. IF a student scores below a 70 on the redo, then the highest of their 2 grades will be entered in the gradebook One chance to redo, unless student refuses to take test or turn in assignment, then NO retake will be given and a 0 will be entered in the gradebook My goals: Teach Biology/Astronomy Prepare you for STAAR Prepare you for College Prepare you for Life EXTRAS Getting to my Teacher website: Google “Haltom High School Staff”, click the first link that pops up, then click on my name in the directory! Useful For Students AND Parents Semester 1: 1 day late = 100 max 2 days late = 70 max 3 days late = 50 max >3 days late = 0 Semester 2: NO LATE WORK TAKEN Projects: 10 points off per day, up to 3 days. After 3 days a 0 will be entered into the gradebook Late Work Policy Biology: Text this code @8kdc6 to this number…81010 Astronomy: text this code @3bf3eh to this number…81010