What To Do… Make sure you have the following materials with you today: 1 ½ inch binder 5 binder dividers Something to write with Get your name tent out so I can give you a stamp
Period 1 – Lockers!
The Amazing Binder!! Get ready to be amazed
Materials Needed: 1 ½ inch Binder 5 Dividers Pen
Directions for 7th Grade: Label each of the dividers: Information Inq. & EDP Physical Science Earth Science Life Science
Directions for 8th Grade: Label each of the dividers: Information Inq. & EDP Matter Forces of Nature Biodiversity
Open to the Information Section!
Table of Contents The first page for each section will be a table of contents Each time you are given a skill sheet, quiz, test, lab, etc… we will put it in the table of contents together!
Science Lab Rules Document 1 on your table of contents is “Lab Rules”
Lab Groups Document 2 on your table of contents is “Lab Groups” So far, we only have 1 lab group If we have enough time at the end of class, I will tell you the lab groups and you can come up with a team name!
Goal Tracking Document 3 on your table of contents is “Goal Tracker” Every time we take a quiz or a test, we will record and graph our results If you are absent when I pass back a test, it is your responsibility to graph the score
Science Standards Document 4 on your table of contents is “Science Standards” This tells you everything you will be learning this year
Open to the “Inq. and EDP” Section!
Table of Contents New section = New table of contents This section is called “Inquiry and Engineering”
Notes Document 1 in this section is “Inquiry and Engineering Notes” Do not lose the note sheets and always put them back in the correct spot! If you are absent and we take notes, check the absent work bin and fill in the notes you missed.
Tips for Notetaking Keep it neat and clean Use highlighters Underline or emphasize key words with colored pencils Put stars next to important concepts Draw helpful reminders Write a question mark by items you need to study more
Tasks for Today Open to “Lab Groups” in your binder For Group A: Write all of your group member names (including yours) When I say GO: Find your group Introduce yourself Tell the group your favorite part of this past summer vacation Tell the group one interesting fact about yourself Decide on a group name
Period 1 Lab Groups Lauren Kayden Abby Dannika Ashlyn Mimi Rae Claire Kennith Ella Cameron Brianna Ava Savannah Aaron Prince Elvis Josh Sam O Audrianna Vince Rowan Anna Tucker Trevor Cooper Uilleam Daniel Devin
Period 2 Lab Groups Aiden Samuel Riley Alex Drake Sam T. Carter Kamila Miranda Kenzi Anna Korah Zach Matthew Corbin
Period 4 Lab Groups Lance Trevor Taylor Drew Bryce Tyler Claire Hasti Paige Sam Devyn Ashereah Megan Gwennevere Jenna Ford Deacon Ryan Sanaa Mia Kyleigh Chase Lathan Aidan ZaKhia Isabella Kylie
Period 5 Lab Groups Davis Eric Sam Robert Luke Drew Alyssa Sloane Maddie John Xavier Ayaan CJ Ellis Jenna Zach Brian Randy Lesley Ava Peyton Elise Addy Isabella Evan Jane Kaleb Anabelle Tye Mallory
Period 6 Lab Groups Morgan Brinson Sean Betsy Blakeley Christian Austin Clay Tristan Simon MJ Nandana Dace Jayme Savannah
Exit Ticket One person from your group Take a post-it note Write your group name Write your group members names Write your period number Turn in to me!