Mr. Pugliese English 101 Wednesday, 9/6/17 Aim: How can we successfully begin this school year? Do Now: Take a seat and listen for your name.
Seating You will be seated alphabetically…for at least the first few weeks.
Use the blank side of the card… Last Name, First Name Use the blank side of the card… Last Name, First Name Period Name you prefer to be called 1. List one or two short term (by the end of the semester or school year) goals. 2. List one or two long term goals (2-10 years). 3. What are you most looking forward to about senior year?
Email Address You NEED to have a ‘professional’ email address. Gmail is what I prefer. When you email me (or any teacher): Be mindful that you are writing to YOUR TEACHER. The email doesn’t have to be formal however it should include something like – “Good morning (afternoon/evening/ or something similar) Mr. Pugliese (spell my name correctly please). It should conclude with your first and last name.
Grade Expectations You must go to my homework page and do the following: 1. Print the grade expectation sheet 2. Read it 3. Sign it 4. Have a parent/guardian sign it 5. Put it in the front of your binder / folder.
Grading – Marking Period 1 Research Paper – 30% 50% Participation – 10% Journals – 10% All late assignments will be assessed a 10 point/school day penalty. At times I will offer incentives to hand in assignments early. Tests (X3) Quizzes (X1) Essays (X3) Other graded assignments(X1-3)
Summer Reading: The Kite Runner Your assessment will consist of an in-class writing assignment on Tuesday, 9/19/17.
Cell Phones and Electronics Policy???
Garbage and Windows
Recommended Supplies 1 inch Green 3-ring Binder Loose-leaf OR any notebook with paper. 1 Folder Pen and a Pencil Vocabulary Book
Vocabulary Books You are responsible for purchasing a Vocabulary Book from the school store. More info to follow…
Basic Syllabus Personal Narrative Summer Reading – The Kite Runner Freakonomics College Essay Hamlet Research Paper Additionally piece of literature…? Daily journals
Journals Unstructured writing assignments in which you respond to a specific prompt. Journals should be kept in an organized notebook / binder. Journals will be handwritten. Each journal will be numbered. Journals will be checked throughout the marking period – most likely every 5 journals. I will simply skim and count. Feel free to write as openly and personally in your journals. You will receive a grade for your journals. The grade will be based on how many you completed. You will be responsible for completing any journals assigned when you are not in class. All journal topics will be posted to Schoology.
Web Page and Schoology All class information, assignments, announcements, etc. will be posted to
Schoology and We will be using both Schoology and for completing and submitting assignments. The use of these two programs is MANDATORY. More info to follow.
Who are you? Over the next few days we will be attempting to answer this question.