Gearing Church up for Men!
equipping the church to introduce every man in the UK to Jesus Christ @ leisure @ work
Challenges Facing us in Evangelism to men today… BBC Survey said: Wimps Women Irrelevant Get BBC Radio logo ... BBC Radio
Sources: 2001 Census and Christian Research 44 million ‘Christians’ in the UK 6,000,000 attend church 38% attenders are male 1980-2000 a 32% decline 49% decline between ages 20-29 Sources: 2001 Census and Christian Research In February when Richard was in Edinburgh, CVM, in conjunction with a local radio station, conducted street interviews in which men were asked what they thought of Christianity. Overall the response was that Christianity is for… There was not one favourable comment about Christianity which just confirms what we already know, namely, that the 21st century British man is not jumping up and down to become a Christian. So the mission is simple, but the work is going to require a long-term strategy.
‘Evangelicals Now’ July 2003 The Family Effect Win a child - 3.5% Win the mother - 17% Win the father - 93% ? ‘Evangelicals Now’ July 2003
GROUND RULES! Missional My own journey Location, location, location! There’s no one way of being a man Time limits “Feminine” is not a pejorative term
70:30? In February when Richard was in Edinburgh, CVM, in conjunction with a local radio station, conducted street interviews in which men were asked what they thought of Christianity. Overall the response was that Christianity is for… There was not one favourable comment about Christianity which just confirms what we already know, namely, that the 21st century British man is not jumping up and down to become a Christian. So the mission is simple, but the work is going to require a long-term strategy.
Questions? Why the 70:30 split? Is it the message? Is it church culture? Is it disconnection?
Men Are From Mars, Women From Venus Church Values Male Female Power Competency Achievement Success Accomplishment Targets Goals Love Relationships Support Nurture Harmony Community Sharing Men Are From Mars, Women From Venus
Male Culture Doers not receivers Worth in work Non verbal Bonds in adversity Take time to trust Appreciate opinions! Look for leadership Objective Side by side
Church Culture Passive environment Verbal Subjective worship Generic teaching Women & youth/children Temple centred Commitment measurement Pastoral Intimacy
Men and Church Life Men wear masks. Spirituality judged by feminine standard. Church feminine? Relevance of teaching. Isolation. Lack of accountability. Competition, risk, adventure? Worthy tasks?
Gearing Church for Men
Changing rooms? The CVM ban list banners children's pictures pastel colours bad toilets old curtains messy notice boards Bad coffee and weak tea (in cups and saucers) overseas missionary boards