1. el voleibol 4. el atletismo 2. el fútbol 7. el bádminton ¡Organizad estos deportes olímpicos en orden alfabético! 1. el voleibol 4. el atletismo 2. el fútbol 7. el bádminton 3. la gimnasia 8. el boxeo 4. el atletismo 5. el ciclismo 5. el ciclismo 2. el fútbol 6. el tenis 3. la gimnasia Organise these Olympic sports in alphabetical order. Answers appear on the right hand side with the important letters highlighted in yellow. 7. el bádminton 6. el tenis 8. el boxeo 1. el voleibol
Vamos a usar un diccionario inglés-español para buscar vocabulario en español. Es posible usar un diccionario tradicional o un diccionario online. We are going to use an English-Spanish dictionary to look for vocabulary in Spanish. It’s possible to use a traditional dictionary or an online dictionary.
El diccionario online es gratis y rápido. The online dictionary is free and fast.
Es posible buscar vocabulario español o inglés. It’s possible to look for Spanish or English vocabulary.
sport = el deporte Slide shows where the translation is to be found if you type ‘Sport’ into the ‘English-Spanish’ menu. The gender is also indicated. It is easy to note that the word is singular as it doesn’t end in an ‘s’ in Spanish. Click on the icon (bottom left) and the hyperlink will take you to the live page on the internet.
¿Cómo se pronuncia el vocabulario español? ¡Usa la fonética! Pero si es necesario, haz clic aquí… … para verificar. How do you pronounce the Spanish vocabulary? Use the phonetics! But if it’s necessary, click here… to check. I have circled in red what you would click on to hear the word pronounced. Once again, clicking on the icon will take you to the live web page so that you can hear the audio.
¡Buscad estos deportes en un diccionario! Look for these sports in an dictionary! Teachers may choose to ask pupils to do this on computers using an online dictionary or using a paper dictionary. Hopefully the translations will still be the same! There is an accompanying word document that can be copied for pupils so that they can write straight onto it. I realised that there are a lot of sports in this list so maybe it would be an idea to put pupils into groups (divide & conquer) or to get pupils to look up their favourite 10 sports from the list. Translations follow on the next 3 slides.
tletismo rtes marciales aloncesto ádminton oxeo alonmano iclismo a____________________ ( ): athletics a____________________ ( ): martial arts b____________________ ( ): basketball b____________________ ( ): badminton b____________________ ( ): boxing b____________________ ( ): handball c____________________ ( ): cycling d____________________ ( ): decathlon e____________________ ( ): skiing e____________________ ( ): fencing e____________________ ( ): horse riding e____________________ ( ): climbing tletismo n/m/sg rtes marciales n/m/pl aloncesto n/m/sg ádminton n/m/sg oxeo n/m/sg alonmano n/m/sg iclismo n/m/sg ecatlón n/m/sg Click to reveal, in order, the translation and the number/gender. Ask pupils to pronounce accurately. Predict which words they may struggle with and practise these sounds in advance? Alternatively, highlight problem areas and focus on them as they arise. squí n/m/sg sgrima n/f/sg quitación n/f/sg scalada n/f/sg
útbol imnasia olf ockey alterofilia udo arate ucha otociclismo atación f____________________ ( ): football g____________________ ( ): gymnastics g____________________ ( ): golf h____________________ ( ): hockey h____________________ ( ): weightlifting j____________________ ( ): judo k____________________ ( ): karate l____________________ ( ): wrestling m____________________ ( ): motorcycling n____________________ ( ): swimming p____________________ ( ): canoeing r____________________ ( ): rowing útbol n/m/sg imnasia n/f/sg olf n/m/sg ockey n/m/sg alterofilia n/f/sg udo n/m/sg arate n/m/sg ucha n/f/sg otociclismo n/m/sg atación n/f/sg iragüismo n/m/sg emo n/m/sg
ugby nowboarding enis ela oleibol oga n/m/sg n/m/sg n/m/sg n/f/sg r____________________ ( ): rugby s____________________ ( ): snowboarding t____________________ ( ): tennis v____________________ ( ): sailing v____________________ ( ): volleyball y____________________ ( ): yoga ugby n/m/sg nowboarding n/m/sg enis n/m/sg ela n/f/sg oleibol n/m/sg oga n/m/sg