Why and How to Build a Combination High School and College Schedule Course Crosswalk Why and How to Build a Combination High School and College Schedule
Why create a crosswalk? Reserve Rooms Needed to know where the high school students were High School personnel couldn’t see college schedule College couldn’t see high school schedule So who needed to see both? High school counselor Campus Police High school principal’s team College advisor College administration
How to create a course crosswalk List of high school courses with descriptions CIE catalog – description, home school, College of Kids, camps Team collaborates Identify parallel courses – piggyback, shadow, mirror, ??? Build CIE courses Register Student in Credit and CIE courses Check for a full day – study halls, labs, tutorials, library, etc.
Is it worth the effort? Lost lambs Family emergency Intervention for struggling students Space utilization Big picture for student success Enhanced communications that honor security
Questions - Suggestions Contact: Judith Gallagher judith.gallagher@tccd.edu Gloria Garcia gloria.garcia@tccd.edu