Georgia College & Career Academies CEO Meeting Understanding CCA Coding Intro of the presenters. We saw a need for this overview, because as the responsibility for the TEM and LEM determination moves more towards the LEAs, we wanted to ensure that submitted data continues to become more accurate as we move forward. This process will improve through ongoing communication. February 8, 2016
Session Objectives At the end of this session, you should: Understand the importance of ensuring the College and Career Academies are set up correctly in the Facilities application. Understand the difference between a school and a program, and the data reporting expectations of each. Have insight into data required for reporting FTE and Student Record for CCA students. Know when to use the charter code as a valid certificate type and certificate field in CPI.
Facilities Instructional Purpose Schools vs. Programs Instructional Purpose – School or Program Instructional Usage – Charter College & Career Academy Facilities Instructional Purpose Schools Charter College & Career Academy Program Instructional Usage
Schools vs. Programs
Schools vs. Programs Contact the district Facilities coordinator for more information on setting up a school or program correctly. Verify the information is correct at the beginning of the school year. The list of CCAs is used to ensure the appropriate entities report data.
Data Reporting Implications Whether or not the entity is a school or program determines the path for sending data for state reporting. Instructional Purpose School Data is reported for students and staff by the school Program Data is reported for students back at their home school Data is reported for staff at the program
Data Reporting Implications for CCA Schools College and Career Academies Data Reporting Implications for CCA Schools Staff funding, years of experience, federal reporting, Title I Comparability Teacher and staff access to LDS, Class Size, TKES/LKES Accountability, program monitoring, open records, Federal reporting Student funding, official enrollment counts FTE Student Record CPI Student Class
Data Reporting Implications for CCA Programs College and Career Academies Data Reporting Implications for CCA Programs CCA Program Ensure student schedules, attendance, and start/end dates in the program are accurate. Provide the home school with this information for each student. Make sure the district HR department knows to report CPI for the program. Home School Ensure CCA program has reports to verify. Report data for CCA program students along with the school population. Ensure students are reported with 6 segments for FTE, if the student is enrolled full-time between the school and CCA program.
Data Reporting Implications for CCA Programs College and Career Academies Data Reporting Implications for CCA Programs Scenario 1: Students from multiple school systems attend your CCA program. The students are enrolled full-time between the classes taken at the high school and the CCA program. As a program, what can you do to ensure correct reporting for FTE and Student Record? Ensure the home school has the correct schedule information. Also, let them know if the class is a block at the CCA, last two periods, or is schedule for one traditional period. Include information on other services provided while the student is at the CCA. (EX: Special Education, etc.) Provide the home school with attendance information and final grades for the students attending the CCA program. Keep track of the dates the student entered and exited the CCA program this school year.
Data Reporting Implications for CCA Schools and Programs College and Career Academies Data Reporting Implications for CCA Schools and Programs Scenario 2: Georgia charter school educators may, or may not, be required to hold state certification depending on the policy outlined in the specific charter. If some of the teachers at the CCA do not have PSC certification, what additional information is required to report them correctly in CPI? Report CHW as the certificate type. Report the appropriate certificate field code to reflect the charter waiver. Note: If the teachers have PSC certificates, then report that information. The CHW certificate type is only for exceptions.
Data Reporting Implications for CCA Schools and Programs College and Career Academies Data Reporting Implications for CCA Schools and Programs GaDOE “substitute” Certificate Type Code for CHARTER CHW = GaDOE Charter School Waiver To be combined with: GaDOE “substitute” Certificate Field Codes for CHARTER WAIVER 101 = Academic Major (Grades 6-12) - GaDOE Charter School Waiver only 102 = Course work (minimum of 21 semester hours)* - GaDOE Charter School Waiver only 103 = GACE - GaDOE Charter School Waiver only 104 = HOUSSE - GaDOE Charter School Waiver only Combinations of these codes will only be allowed for charter schools that have waivers.
Data Reporting Implications for CCA Schools and Programs College and Career Academies Data Reporting Implications for CCA Schools and Programs Personnel Demographic Information- A Record SSN: xxxxx9935 Personnel ID: 00000001 Full Name: BUNKER, ARCHIE Birth Date: (mm/dd/yyyy) 10/17/1965 Gender: M Race: 2 Employee Type Displaced Staff From Personnel Demographic Information- B Record Certified Emp Basis 1 Classified Emp Basis Contract Days-Certified 190 Annual Work Days-Classified Annual Contract Salary-Certified $51,740.00 Total Annual Salary-Classified $0.00 Certified YRS Experience 17 State Pay Step L4 Certificate Level 4 National Cert N Termination Code Termination Date Local Years Service 11 Full Time Equivalent Salary Basic Demographics Contract Information Certificate Level Assignment Information- C Record School ID School Name Percent of Time Assignment TYPE In Field Status Certificate Type Job Code Subject Matter Certificate Field Fund Code 0103 Sample High School 66.0 C I T 109 400 748 00 34.0 112 910 Assignments PSC Details if available Cert Level Effective Date Provision Flag Certificate Field Code Begin Date End Date 4 07/01/1994 F T 748 05/20/2006 06/30/2014 Certification Data from PSC
Data Collection Documentation
Data Collection Documentation Data Collection Layouts, Data Element Detail, etc. per application
Understanding Different Uses of ‘Program’ The word ‘program’ has different meanings depending on how it is used. It is important to know the context in which ‘program’ is being used to get a correct understanding of the term. Facilities – It is used to indicate the instructional purpose for a facility entity. Student Record – It is used to indicate a specific type of instructional program in which students were served during the school year. EX: GNETS, Alternative Education, Charter College & Career Academy, Flexible Learning Plan, and Increased Learning Time. Financial Review – It is part of the chart of accounts that identifies specific activities.
Understanding Different Uses of ‘Program’ In Student Record, there is a Program level record in which the home school is to report students who attended a CCA at any point during the school year. They must report the program type, program code, beginning date, ending date, alternate system code, and the alternate school code. There is also an edit that checks to make sure all CCAs report data for the Program level record. E4028 - No Charter Career Academy (PROGRAM TYPE = ‘03’) data reported for Career Academy.
FTE, CPI, and Student Class What’s Coming Up? Student Record Opens February 10, 2016 Largest collection of the school year Data impacts multiple programs, reports, and federal reporting FTE, CPI, and Student Class Opens in March Final cycle for FTE and Student Class, 2nd cycle for CPI
Data Collections Contact Information Levette Williams Chief Privacy Officer/Director of Technology Management Carl Garber Data Collections Analyst (FTE, FRM, EOPA, and Student Record Contact) 404-463-2326 Sharon Armour Data Collections Analyst (Student Class, Pre-ID and Teacher Class Contact) 404-657-1064 Wanda Jones Data Collections & Reporting Manager 404-657-3539 Betty Rickicki Data Collections Analyst (Student Record and CPI Contact) 404-656-6011 Kathy Aspy Data Collections Analyst (GUIDE, Private School, and SR System Course Contact) 404-651-5312
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