Project guidelines Welcome to the 50 States PowerPoint project. You will use this presentation to research information about your state. When finished you will create an oral presentation, using index cards and PowerPoint, to complete the project. Bonus points are given to students who memorize their presentation. This project is worth 200 points and will be due sometime in May. The sooner you finish, the sooner you can present and complete the project. All work is to be done in the lab on Friday or at home.
Our 50 States: [Name of Your State] First note: Many students compose sections using Microsoft Word and then cut and paste their work into PowerPoint. Also, any tips or directions given throughout this project should be deleted when you finish. Our 50 States: [Name of Your State] Your Name Date Mr. Lobitz Note: Many of the slides can and should be edited and changed. This includes slide designs, fonts, and text. As long as you provide the information that is listed on the slide the appearance is totally up to you. All information should be presented in a neat and orderly fashion. It’s also a good idea to save multiple copies of your work. Use those flash drives. Have fun and enjoy learning about your new state.
Symbols of (name of your state) The state bird is The state flower is The state tree is Add a picture here. Add a picture here. Go to to find information about your state. Add a picture here.
State Nickname Tell what is the state’s nickname. Write a short explanation of how your state got this nickname.
State History First Inhabitants Name the major tribes of Native Americans that lived in this state. Include a few interesting facts about these people. Exploration Which explorers visited your state and where did they come from? Settlement Where was the first settlement located in your state? Who started the settlement and why?
State History, continued Note: Only choose one of these sections State History, continued Colonial Days If your state was one of the original thirteen colonies, explain what life was probably like during that time. Territorial Days If your state was a territory before it became a state, explain when the United States Congress created the territory. Explain how settlers were able to obtain land in the new territory.
Statehood This state became the ____ state in the United States in ____. The first governor of the state was _________. Paste a picture of the states first flag here.
Government National Government Name the current United States Senators. _____________________________________ How many U.S. House of Representative members are there in this state? ________ This state has ____ electoral votes. (Senators + U.S. House of Representative members) State Government Name the current governor.______________
Maps In this space insert a political and/or physical map of your state.
Note : If one or more of the years listed is not available, please see me. Population 1950: 1960: 1970: 1980: 1990: 2000: Over the past fifty years the population has (increased/decreased). You may want to use Excel to make a graph of your population and then import it into this slide show.
Economy Chief products of the state include: Note: List at least three products and goods for each section. Economy Chief products of the state include: Agricultural (farm) products: Mining products: Manufactured goods:
Weather The average high temperature in July is _________. The average high temperature in January is __________. The average yearly precipitation is _____________.
Natural Resources Water Name the major rivers and bodies of water. Minerals Name and describe a few different kinds of minerals.
Natural Resources, continued Note : List at least three species for each section. Natural Resources, continued Plant Life Name and describe some of the trees and wildflowers. Animal Life Name and describe some of the wild animals.
Places to Visit Choose one place in your state that would be interesting to visit. Tell where it is located in the state and why it would be interesting to visit. You may want to add a picture here as well.
Famous People Choose three well known residents of your state. Tell what they did to become famous.
State Motto Tell about the state motto and what makes this state special.
Works Cited List the resources you used for your research. Note: Keep track of all the websites, books, atlases, etc…you have visited or used. You will list them here. You might want to cut and paste any website addresses here as you move through the project.