Consultancy on International Trade in Services Statistics CARICOM Consultancy on International Trade in Services Statistics 10th EDF/1.1.1/SER/h/1/2015 St. John’s, Antigua 21 November 2016
To Date This current project builds on the work of previous projects: CARICOM To Date This current project builds on the work of previous projects: Strengthening the Capacity of National Authorities and Regional Organisations in respect of Services Statistics (2001/02) – funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Produced a situational assessment of Caribbean States and showed that the compilation of services statistics needed to be enhanced and expanded Recommended a three year work programme of sustained effort to develop services statistics Pilot-training workshops in two member states to test the data collection framework and a regional training workshop to sensitise and introduce participants to Statistics on International Trade in Services (STIS) CARICOM Trade in Services Statistics (2004/05) – funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) In country-technical Assistance- review of Spreadsheets in six countries to enable the compilation of statistics at the level of the EBOPS Draft Compilation Common Guidelines for collection, compilation and dissemination of Statistics on International Trade in Services; Classifications schema; review of IT database infrastructure Regional Training Workshop Develop and Implement the CARIFORUM Economic Statistics Action Plan (CESAP) Trade in Services and Investment Statistics (2010/11) – funded by the European Union (EU) under the Caribbean Integration Support Programme (CISP), Ninth 9th EDF A harmonised trade in services survey and a harmonised guidelines for regional compilers were drafted; In country technical assistance and regional training to enable compilation across all countries CARIFORUM Economic Statistics Action Plan (CESAPs) in the area of Trade in Services and Investment Flows was designed
CARICOM Background A focus on the regional market for services is especially important for this project There is a recognised appreciation for the contribution of service industries in the global economy Specific trading guidelines were provided by the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), which became effective in 1995 Four modes of supply of services were identified by the GATS Cross-border Consumption abroad Commercial presence Presence of natural persons The two last modes of supply mentioned above are not expressly accounted for in the guidelines for BOP compilers provided by the International Monetary Fund’s Balance of Payments Manual (BPM), hence there has been a shortfall in the availability of the type of data suitable for trade negotiations and analysis This has lead to a greater emphasis on the compilation guidance available from the United Nations’ Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services (MSITS) 2010 In the Caribbean region there is a need for more and better information on trade in services to be available for trade negotiators, analysts, policy makers and government officials
CARICOM Background The countries of the Caribbean are committed to the goal of regional economic integration and cooperation The Caribbean Community and Common Market was established in 1973 by the signing of the treaty of Chaguaramas The Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) was established in 2001 with the signing of the revised Treaty of Chaguaramas The objective of the CSME is to achieve a single economic space Chapter 3 of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas speaks to the removal of restrictions to the right of establishment, the provision of services and the free movement of capital
CARICOM Objective The objective of this current project is to provide the decision-makers in CARICOM with core, high quality statistics for the establishment and monitoring of the CSME
Scope of Work Prepare and submit an inception report CARICOM Scope of Work Prepare and submit an inception report Undertake a situational assessment to obtain information on the status of the production of Trade in Services Statistics in those countries Prepare a report on the situational assessment and other relevant information and develop a work plan to inform on the activities relative to the results to be achieved under the project Develop/Refine the Trade in Services Questionnaire(s) Undertake in-country Technical Assistance, in accordance with the MSITS 2010 Facilitate the conduct of a Regional Training Workshop to enable the sharing of best practices/harmonisation Prepare reports on the Technical Assistance put in place in countries and on the sensitisation activities Prepare reports as required on the Regional Training Workshop(s) Prepare a final report of all activities, on the results achieved and recommendations for further work
CARICOM Results to be Achieved Situational Assessment and corresponding work plan based on findings on the status of Statistics on International Trade in Services Capacity-building on the production of Statistics on International Trade in Services monitored and supported consistent with the status in countries Refined Common Core Trade In Services Questionnaire (s) focusing on the compilation of services statistics at the level of the EBOPS and disaggregation by trading partners monitored and reviewed in accordance with the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010 (MSITS2010) Pilot-testing of the refined Common Core Trade in Services Questionnaire(s) in specific countries and the preparation of a report on the findings supported and monitored Work put in place in-country on the strengthening of Trade in Services statistics at the level of the EBOPS to improve the quality of the data and to bridge existing data gaps for relevant sub-components and supplementary items and by trading partners monitored and supported Regional training workshop to enable harmonisation and the sharing of best practices with respect to Services Statistics at the level of the EBOPS Use of Trade in Services Statistics by key stakeholders through training/ sensitization in-country/regionally supported Process of building capacity in countries including the successes, best practices as well as challenges reviewed
Thank you for your Attention! CARICOM Thank you for your Attention!