Starter – protein card sort using BHF cards https://www. youtube In groups of 4-5 find all of the protein cards in the BHF packs. Sort them into Animal HBV Plant LBV Is there a difference in the FAT/SAT FAT content between HBV and LBV? Can you explain why? Your Flipped learning For Week 4 was FLIPPED LEARNING read Protein p2–9
Practical Thai Green Curry
Protein: Meat LO:- Protein: Meat Be able to understand the: a. functions of protein in the diet b. main food sources in the diet (plant and animal, HBV and LBV) c. effects of deficiency and excess d. complementation of proteins Teacher – either use the content of this PowerPoint or use the text book
Practice questions p7 Tasks Activity : FLIPPED LEARNING was to read Protein p2–9 Practice questions p7 Your Flipped learning For Week 5 is FLIPPED LEARNING Revise chapter 5 and chapter 6 in Throw yourself a lifeline - everything you need to know about FP&N for a test
What is Protein? KEY FACTS Meat- fish and poultry - High grade proteins Full of nutrients Protein is good for Growth and repair of muscles, tissues and organs – helps children grow Lack of protein – kwashiorkor Protein is made up of amino acids Some proteins have all the essential amino acids HBV( meat, fish, eggs, soya beans) – some have some of the essential amino acids LBV and need to be combined to get all the essential amino acids ( peas, lentil and bean).
Sources of Protein?
What is protein made up of? A macronutrient – needed by all animals and humans The molecules are made up of building blocks - amino acids 20 different amino acids Found in a combination of proteins from meats to beans and pulses
Protein in purple
Vegetarian alternatives – meat replacements What are these? Foods Vegetarian ???? Vegan ???? They need to ensure they get the right balance of proteins from replacement foods. Combining LBV foods to ensure all essential amino acids present. Tofu – soya means – can be used in desserts or usually stir fried TVP- Textured vegetable protein - soya beans - sausages, burgers, ready meals Quorn _mushroom like fungus and egg white – mycoprotein – chunks, mince, fillets Most made to look and taste like real meat Can be marinated before cooking to give more taste
Protein alternatives Tofu (bean curd) – made from treated soya milk – Tempeh – made from fermented soya beans TVP (textured vegetable protein) – made from soya bean flour (after soya oil removed Mycoprotein (quorn) – made from high protein fungus
When you eat protein – what happens Your body breaks the protein down into amino acids. It body breaks up (digests) the molecules It uses them to build new proteins Your body then uses them to make muscle and repair- repair what??? It breaks it down into individual amino acids It then makes new protein molecules for our body to digest
Functions of protein in the body 3 main: Growth – from baby to adult - then when this growth has completed its phase – hair, nails etc Repair – helping recovery after an injury or operation - also replace certain parts of the body regularly ie skin cells and red blood cells Energy – though your body prefers to get it from carbohydrates
Why are proteins important? Some of the 20 amino acids the body cannot make We need to get these from food that we eat These are called Essential Amino Acids 8 are needed by children and adults Younger children 2 more
What else does protein do? Hormones – make you grow and reproduce Enzymes – digest your food Antibodies – helps the immune system fight infections
Essential amino acids Foods that contain ALL the essential amino acids are called HBV (high biological value) Foods that contain some of the Essential Amino Acids are LBV ( low biological value) Complementation of proteins is when you combine a mix of LBV’s to ensure you get the right essential amino acids to make it HBV Think of a LBV meal and make it HBV How would you make a meal high in protein? Name an example
HBV LBV Meat Quinoa Soya beans Eggs Dairy foods Fish HBV and LBV Nuts Beans and lentils Seeds Gelatine sheets and powder Sorghum
Examples of complementation of protein meals pictures
Deficiency of protein Effect Why? Children will not grow properly and may not reach full height Loss of hair Skin and nail in poor condition The body needs the right amount and combination pf nutrients to grow effectively Hair is made of protein – as we can live without hair the body will use protein it gets for something more important in the body These contain protein and will be weakened by not having enough protein
Deficiency Will easily develop infections Effect Why Will easily develop infections Not able to digest food properly We need protein to boost and maintain our immune system, not having enough will weaken it. A deficiency causes changes in the digestive system – various nutrients cannot be absorbed into the body
Excess protein Protein contains different chemical elements Nitrogen is one of them Too much nitrogen is dangerous and therefore removed from our body on our urine The liver and kidneys have to work harder to expel the excess nitrogen The stress could harm them