2012 IAEWS Winter-Spring Webinar Series Sponsored by StartWire Welcome! 2012 IAEWS Winter-Spring Webinar Series Sponsored by StartWire Improving Operations and the Bottom Line
The Topics Auditors Gone Wild March 6 It’s Not Your Grandmother’s Job Posting May 16 The Legion of Super Job Boards April 10 What Job Board Users Want April 24 Job Search & ‘The Black Hole’ May 8 Sign Up: Director@EmploymentWebSites.org Program Archive in Members Only area of IAEWS site
Matt Hoffner The Legion of Super Job Boards CEO, Jobg8 US Member, IAEWS Board of Governors Previously President & CEO, JobsintheUS.com Oversaw the 2011 IAEWS Benchmarking Survey
IAEWS Benchmark Survey August 2011 Summary Report of Findings Presentation April 2012
Background and Purpose Effort began in Jan 2011 Create an industry led benchmark study of key metrics for job board operations and effectiveness Challenges in defining the scope and depth of questions Significant work in developing common definitions from worldwide community Use first year results as a baseline to improve and “dig deeper” in future year 5 5
Methodology Input regarding scope and questions solicited from many boards worldwide Jobg8.com sponsorship allowed for no-cost participation from worldwide boards Contracted service from professional research company (Critical Insights) to improve online data collection and ensure data security Relatively short time frame to create/ distribute/collect/correlate and publish results 6 6
Participation and Response Solicited all IAEWS members and other worldwide job boards in June and July 154 Job boards registered to participate in first year study 124 boards submitted some response 101 boards completed the online survey Invited to participate in discussion of results Survey closed on August 8th- results published and distributed September 1st
Research Results 8
General Job Board Data 9
Job Board Region / Country For what region / country is the data being submitted? 10 10
Job Board Type What type of job board do you operate? 11 11
Job Board Tenure How long has your job board been up and running in this region? 12 12
Full Time Employees How many full time employees are allocated to your board in this region? 13 13
Unique Visitors: May 2011 How many unique visitors did your job board domain record for May 2011? 14 14
Sources of Unique Visitors What percentage of the unique visitors that come to your site in this region originate from the following sources? 15 15
Active Job Seeker Profiles: May 2011 How many active job seeker profiles do you have in your database for your region as of May 31, 2011? 16 16
Active Job Postings: May 2011 How many active job postings were live on your site as of May 31, 2011? 17 17
Job Board Features 18 18
Number of Job Distribution Services with which Job Board is Integrated Is your job board integrated with a job distribution system like Broadbean or Equest? If yes, how many services are you integrated with? * * Asked of respondents who said their job board is integrated with a job distribution system (n=50). 19 19
Job Board Performance 20
Average Minutes per Session: May 2011 Please provide the average time on site (mins) per session during May 2011. 21 21
Types of Traffic: May 2011 Percent of monthly job seekers during the month of May 2011 that… 22 22
Bounce Rate: May 2011 Bounce rate (%) for visitors to your site for May 2011. 23 23
Average Views per Job Posting: May 2011 Please provide the average number of views per job posting (normalized for 28 day period) for the month of May 2011. 24 24
Average Applicants per ATS Posting: May 2011 Please provide the average number of applicants per ATS posting (normalized for a 28 day posting cycle) during May 2011. 25 25
Average Applicants per Email Delivery Posting: May 2011 Please provide the average number of applicants per “email delivery” posting (normalized for 28 day posting cycle) during May 2011. 26 26
Total Job Searches: May 2011 Please provide the total number of Job Searches per month for May 2011. 27 27
Sources of Job Postings: May 2011 Sources of job postings on your site for May 2011. 28 28
Applications ÷ Unique Visitors: May 2011 Please provide the ratio of monthly Applications for May 2011 divided by monthly unique visitors to your site for May 2011. 29 29
Annual Advertising&Marketing Expense ÷ Annual Revenue Please provide the ratio of your annual external advertising or marketing expense divided by annual revenue for your board in this region. 30 30
Annual Direct Selling Expense ÷ Annual Revenue Please provide the ratio of your annual direct selling expense divided by annual revenue for this region. 31 31
Annual Technology Expense ÷ Annual Revenue Please provide the ratio of your annual technology expense for this region divided by annual revenue for this region. 32 32
Other Job Board Data 33
Visits per Unique Visitor: May 2011 Please provide the number of visits per unique visitor in May 2011. 34 34
Job Applications per Active User: May 2011 Please provide the number of job applications submitted per active user in May 2011. 35 35
Percentage of Users Signed Up for Job Alerts: May 2011 Please provide the percentage of total registered users who have signed up for “Job alerts” as of May 31, 2011. 36 36
Percentage of Registrants Unsubscribed: During May 2011 Please provide the percentage of registrants that Unsubscribed from your site during May 2011. Median was 1.8% 37 37
2011 Study- Lessons Learned Solicit members to participate in Steering Committee by early Spring 2012 Scope, questions, promotion, response requirements Utilize 2011 study and comments from member discussion to better craft questions- probe deeper on certain issues Quality of traffic sources- aggregator traffic suspect? Re-work some definitions Performance metric definitions Competitive trends Exclude free boards
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