Data management planning tool DMPTuuli © 2016 OKM ATT 2014–2017 initiative Licensed under Creative Commons BY 4.0
Open Science and Research Initiative 2014-2017 Ministry of Education and Culture initiative for the promotion of information availability and open science Goal is to make Finland a leading country in openness of science and research by the year 2017 The initiative scope includes research publications, data, and methods Several open science services are offered by the Ministry to researchers
Open Science and Research services Services offered by the Ministry of Education and Culture Services provided by various partners, incl. CSC Services free of charge to end-users Services recommended by research funders, e.g. the Academy of Finland Existing services are developed continuously and new services piloted within the initiative
For whom are the services offered? The services can be utilized by a single researcher, a research group or a research network operating across organizations The Ministry of Education and Culture offers the services to the actors in the Finnish research system so the services are free of charge to end-users
Why use the services? Risks related to data loss and misuse decrease Data are safely stored for reuse and have a permanent identifier enabling e.g. citation You may use others’ data and share your own facilitating collaboration in research groups and between organizations Openness increases the visibility of research Support for data policies and answers to funder requirements Several services and customer support free of charge
Services support stages of the research process Open data publishing platform Data management planning tool Long-term preservation service for research Research data finder Research data storage service
Data Management Planning Tool DMPTuuli
A tool for researchers and research organisations for creating data management plans (DMP) Assists in data management planning at all stages of research projects Includes generic DMP guidance and additional guidance provided by research funders, organisations and disciplines Produced in the national Tuuli-project with a user driven approach Service is based on the open source DMPonline tool produced by the UK’s Digital Curation Centre Sign up and log in:
DMPTuuli enables Generating structered DMP’s assisted with guidance Using of appropriate templates with guidance provided by research funders, organisations and disciplines Sharing and writing plans together with collaborators Exporting DMPs in different formats: csv, html, json, pdf, text, xml, docx
Creating plans Choose funder (TEKES, Academy of Finland, Horizon 2020…) Choose your home organization (not mandatory) Choose additional guidance when applicable Organisaation, rahoittajan ja kansalliset ohjeet
Writing plans Answer questions Guidance in the right-hand panel Guidance displayed according to the selections: guidance from funder, from your own organisation etc. Add comments or notes by using the ”Share note” tab.
More information and contacts Open science service homepages and instructions DMPTuuli Tuuli-project