Supporting working carers Emily Holzhausen OBE Director of Policy and Public Affairs Carers UK
Carers in the UK
Carers count Ageing population and workforce + changing family structures = more people working and caring (+ for longer) By 2037 the number of UK carers could increase by 50% to 9.1 million or 1 in 6 in any workplace The peak age for caring is 45 + when many employees will have gained valuable knowledge and experience at work Working carers also develop additional skills which add value to their contribution at work Every day 6,000 people become carers
From stats into practice: Whole population experience – whole population approach Private matter often, at times confidential Segmentation of workforce – more likely groups, but avoiding prejudice Churn of population means repeating messages – as some will hear it for the first time Prevention is key and starting in the workplace matters Links with community support, advice and information also matters
What practice exists? Employers for Carers: since 2008, employer led. Self-sustaining model Employers for Carers Umbrella model: for local authorities, partners and SMEs Employment pilots – 9 different models e.g. Bury and Sefton Research with LA carers’ leads – Care Act 2014 offered an opportunity to increase work on carers and employment Integrating work of employers is delivery of s. 1, s. 2, s. 3, s. 4 of the Care Act 2014 – from well-being to sufficiency of supply of care services locally Carers Strategies locally Health and Wellbeing Boards, JSNAs e.g. Surrey
Employers for Carers Our membership forum Employers for Carers: Chaired by British Gas/Centrica Supported by the specialist knowledge of Carers UK supports employers to develop carer friendly workplaces promotes the business benefits of supporting carers influences employment policy and practice maintains a Leadership Group committed to working with Government
How we help Policies - Reviewing existing policies to include caring and carers - Developing a specific carers policy (e.g. Sainsbury’s) Promotion - Awareness raising activities (e.g. Carers Week) - Identifying champions and role models - Link to advice and information Practice - Flexible working and special leave - Training and e-learning for managers and staff - Practical support for carers (e.g. EAPs) Peer support - Supporting workplace carers networks (including online) Evidence and leadership - Primary and secondary research and evidence
The business benefits Recruitment - Widening the workforce and talent pool Retention - Keeping skills and experience Resilience - Improving productivity and performance Results - Improved health and wellbeing for families, workplaces and the wider economy Far from compromising business objectives, research shows that providing a supportive working environment using a flexible approach helps deliver business result (can add: reducing recruitment and training costs; sick leave, increased resilience and productivity through reduced stress
Business case examples Improved retention Reduced costs Centrica estimates potential costs savings of £2.5m through increased staff retention and £4.5m through reduced unplanned absenteeism Reduced staff turnover Listawood (SME) While only 56% of employees felt their pay was competitive compared with other local employers, 97% felt they offered better work life balance Improved resilience and results Reduced stress and absenteeism BT achieved a productivity increase of 21% a year, at least £5 million on the bottom line
New Carers Strategy Statement: 1 July 2015 by Sec of State Employment features as a key issue with Sec of State Talking about caring in the workplace should become as normal as talking about caring for a child Strategy is one of Care Minister’s 5 key priorities. Forthcoming Carers Strategy will have an element that will focus on carers and employment Fuller Working Lives Strategy links back to the future Carers Strategy Related benefits and welfare policies: Recent change to the earnings limit on Carer’s Allowance to £116 in April 2017 Gradual roll-out of Universal Credit and “flexing” around work Publication in “Spring” Carers UK campaign for paid care leave of 5-10 days
Carers UK’s work going forward: Increased regional coverage of Employers for Carers umbrella model in 10 more sites across England. Growing network of supportive employers. Supporting a growing network of carers networks. Continue our research and evidence programme with carers and employers – focussing on caring in later life. Continue campaigns on carers’ rights in the workplace. Keep carers at the centre of evidence and experience. Key dates: Carers Week 2017 – 12 to 18th June 2017 – carer friendly employers: Pledge, sign up for an activity, carers can recommend carer friendly employers State of Caring 2017 conference on 13 July 2017 For professionals Carers Rights Day 2017 – November
#carerfriendlycommunities Contacts: @carersuk @carersweek #carerfriendlycommunities