JAXA CCSDS Secretary Office


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Presentation transcript:

JAXA CCSDS Secretary Office JAXA CCSDS Status November, 2009 ESA/ESTEC Noordwijk, Netherlands Kaneaki Narita JAXA CCSDS Secretary Office CMC meeting, Nov., 2009

Recent Launch Information CCSDS compliant spacecraft JEM Exposed Facility was carried to ISS by space shuttle on July 15, 2009. Launched: HTV Technology Demonstration Model was launched by H-IIB rocket on September 10, 2009. CMC meeting, Nov., 2009

Spacecraft Implementations JAXA adopted AOS (including TM) and/or TC for 18 spacecrafts by October, 2009, and 5 spacecrafts to be launched in two years. ‘97 ‘98 ‘99 ‘00 ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ETS-VII ASTRO-E ADEOS-II ASTRO-EII SELENE GOSAT GCOM-W1 PLANET-B MUSES-C ALOS SDS-1 WINDS Ikaros ASTRO-F JEM-EF JEM-ELM PLANET-C SOLAR-B HTV-DM JEM-PM HTV-01 ETS-VIII QZS-1 CMC meeting, Nov., 2009 3

CSS Implementations Promotion of Transfer Service utilization JAXA coordinated with ESA on SLE connection for emergency cross support of ENVISAT and ERS-2 with new GW configuration between JAXA and ESA ,and conducted interface test and tracking ENVISAT and ERS-2 by JAXA GN. Extension of Transfer Service function JAXA is implementing RCF service function to TSX (Tsukuba SLE gateway for Cross support) for provider-side and user-side. CMC meeting, Nov., 2009 4

CSS Implementations Service Management interoperability validation JAXA will upgrade SCCS-SM service-user prototype (Red-3.3) for interoperability test with JPL SCCS-SM service-provider prototype. New network planning system New network planning system (INPS : INtegrated Planning System) is under development. This system will integrate current GN and SN planning systems and establish seamless connections with other agencies referring to SLE-SM specification. CMC meeting, Nov., 2009

CCSDS WG Status (CSS and SEA) CSS/SM WG JAXA is coordinating SCCS-SM (R-3.3) interoperability validation with JPL. The test configuration and schedule are under negotiation. CSS/CSA WG JAXA chairs the Space Communication Cross Support Architecture Working Group JAXA is editing the draft magenta book on Space Communication Cross Support Architecture SEA/DDOR WG JAXA joined WG review of draft DDOR Magenta Book and coordinated DDOR interoperability validation among ESA/JPL/JAXA. JAXA-JPL: Done: May 2009, Planned :March 2010, JAXA-ESA: Planned: Dec. 2009 JAXA drafts a part of DDOR Raw Data Exchange Format Blue Book and DDOR Green Book. CMC meeting, Nov., 2009 6

CCSDS WG Status (SLS and MOIMS) SLS/OCM SIG JAXA intends to join a meeting to review of the charter and the white book. Optical Coding and Modulations MOIMS/NAV WG JAXA joined WG review of following Books to add Orbit Mean-Elements Message (OMM) responding to SC14 request. ODM V2 Prototype Test Plan/Report Nav. Data Green Book NDM/XML Red Book CMC meeting, Nov., 2009

CCSDS WG Status (SIS) SIS/DTN WG JAXA joined WG review of draft Green Book. Delay-Tolerant Networking protocol JAXA conducted computer simulation for DTN and started the feasibility study for DTN experiments on ISS-DRTS (Data Relay Test Satellite) with NASA. SIS/MIA WG JAXA joined WG review of draft Green Book Motion Imagery & Applications CMC meeting, Nov., 2009 8

CCSDS Standard Infusion Status CMC meeting, Nov., 2009