PROJECT LATIN AMERICA OVERALL GOAL Discuss modern Issues in Latin America (3 students/day for 6 days) SHORT TERM OBJECTIVES: Quick introduction description of topic (1-2 min) Must be mostly visual Should include several images and at least one graph Discussion portion preparation (8-10 min) a two page article that you make, find, or edit in any way five insightful, leading questions. Hand in with article, but don’t attach – students should not see them ahead of time Your LEADING of class by including majority of student in discussion YOUR GRADE Visual and intro – sparked interest & clarified issue Your command of the subject during the discussion phase Planning and delivery, ability to create and maintain interest in topic TOPICS: DUE DATE: Issues facing Latin America today (on back) Thursday, Jan 12
1 El Chapo, Pablo Escobar, and other powerful leaders 2 Drug Trafficking 3 Human Trafficking - sold into slavery in wealthy nations 4 Power of Drug Lords 5 Illegal Immigration: Smuggling of people 6 Loss of jobs to Mexico 7 Violence and crime in Latin America 8 USA struggling in enforcing the Monroe Doctrine and keep allies in region 9 Women's Rights 10 Endemic poverty, and the Disparity between Rich vs. Poor 11 Influence of outside nations and outside investors 12 Poor Education, what causes it, and what it leads to 13 Poor nutrition, health concerns and chronic obesity 14 Political Instability, Contras vs. Sandinistas, Dictators and poor governance 15 Environmental crisis, incl. loss of rain forest, pollution, Global Warming and sustainability 16 Decisions of American colonies in the Caribbean 17 The past, present and future of Cuba and the Castrol regime 18 Issues leading into, during and after the Rio 2016 Olympics