Portal circulation :- The portal vein drains 1)the GIT from the lower esophagus to the halfway anal canal. 2)drains the spleen. 3)drains the pancreas . 4)the GB. Course of portal vein:- It begins just behind the neck of pancreas …passes to the right &upward just behind 1st part of duodenum&enters lesser omentum…then runs upward infront of opening of lesser omentum to porta hepatis where it divides into right & left terminal branches Note :- the potal vein begins as capillary plexus in the organs & ends by emptying in the sinusoids of liver . Length:-5cm.
Formation:- it is formed behind the neck of pancreas by union of sup Formation:- it is formed behind the neck of pancreas by union of sup.mesenteric & splenic veins. Tributaries:- 1)splenic vein. 2)Sup.mesenteric vein. 3)Lt gastric veins. 4)inf.mesenteric vein. 5)Rt gastric veins . 6)Cystic veins.
Lt gastroepiploic vein Short gastric vein Splenic vein
Notes of lecture :- Sup.mesenteric vein+splenic vein=portal vein. Splenic vein:-This vein receives:-short gastric..left gastroepiploic ..inf.mesenteric &pancreatic veins Inf.mesenteric vein:-this asscends on post.abdominal wall to join splenic vein . **portal vein ends like an artery ..divids into 2 branches.while commences like a vein :by joining the tributaries.
Tributaries :- 1)splenic vein:-it leaves the hilum of spleen&passes to Rt in splencorenal ligament lying below the splenic artery..it unites with sup.mesenteric vein behind the head of pancreas to form the portal vein ….it receives :- 1)short gastric veins 2)pancreatic vein 3)left gastroepiploic vein 4)inf.mesenteric vein .
2)inf.mesenteric vein:- This ascends on post.abdominal wall..joins splenic vein behind the body of pancreas ..it receives :- 1)sup.rectal . 2)sigmoidal . 3)left colic veins. 3)sup.mesenteric vein:-this vein ascends in root of mesentery of small intestine on Rt side of artery .it passes infront of 3rd part of duodenum & joins splenic vein behind the neck of pancreas …it receives :- 1)ileal 2)jejunal 3)ileocolic 4)Rt colic 5)middle colic 6)inf.pancreatoduodenal 7)Rt gastroepiploic vein.
4)left gastric vein:- This drins the left portion of lesser curvature of stomach& the distal part of esophagus…it opens directly in portal vein . 5)right gastric vein :- This drains the right portion of lesser curvature of stomach & drains directly in portal vein. 6)cystic veins:-these drains the GB directly in liver or joins the portal vein . Note :- only cystic veins are plural not single ^_^
Porto-systemic anastmosis :- Under normal conditions:the portal venous blood traverses the liver & drains in inf.vena cava of systemic circulation by way of hepatic veins… This is direct route ….however smaller communication occurs between systemic & portal circulation…they become imp …when the direct way is blocked… These as follows:- 1)esohageal branch of left gastric vein (portal tributary )that drains the lower part of esophagus joins the esophageal veins drain the middle of esophagus to azygous vein (systemic tributary).
2)Half way down the anal canal :-the sup 2)Half way down the anal canal :-the sup.rectal artery that is a portal tributary …joins the middle & inf.rectal arteries that are systemic tributaries (of int .iliac & int.pudendal arteries). 3)paraumbilical veins :-connect the Lt branch of portal vein with sup.veins of ant.abdominal wall(systemic veins)….the paraumbilical veins travel in falciform ligament & accompany the ligamentum teres. 4)the veins of ascending colon …Desecnding colon ,duodenum,pancreas,& liver (portal tributary)anastmose with renal,lumbar& phrenic veins (systemic tributaries)
1)Azygous vein 2)Colon parts 3)Paraumbilical veins 4)Anal canal
Notes from Dr.Ali تمام ان شاء الله Inf.mesenteric vein forms by:-sigmoidal..sup.rectal ..Lt colic vein. Portal vein on the hilum of liver it receives cystic vein. Note :- in liver ….caudate process of liver will separates the inf.vena cava from the portal vein. It is the upper boundary of opening of lesser sac .portal vein lies ant to inf.vena cava before opening of lesser sac . Note :-behind the 1st part of duodenum there is gastroduodenal artery & common bile duct . In free margin of lesser omentum ,there is hepatic artery .