Chief Research and Operations Officer CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE RESEARCH AND PROCURMENT PROCESS 4 October 2017 CTAC and MRAC CoE Workshop Cedarwood Conference Centre Nkhesani Masekoa Chief Research and Operations Officer
Presentation Outline Overview of Research Purpose of the guideline Impact of Research Overview of the Research Process Research Value Chain: Needs, delivery, Procurement.. Appointment of technical experts Bid Committees Membership
CoE Research & Procurement Process Purpose: This guideline has been developed to assist the MHSC in defining the pertinent research and other related projects management processes (including the needs analysis and the project execution process) which clearly explains how the MHSC research and similar projects management is to be sequentially fulfilled. Scope and applicability: The guideline will cover the project definition (scope of work) process, roles and responsibilities, project procurement process, use of technical experts and project management. This guideline is applicable to MHSC CoE and all the advisory committees. NB! The process should follow the applicable legal framework!
Roles and Responsibilities Responsibilities of MHSC and its committees remain in line with the MHSA Very limited alterations made to CTAC to include safety aspects which were being looked after by SIMRAC New: Change of SIMRAC into the oversight body for CoE and will be responsible for appointing and managing key partners, service providers and technical experts that will work with the Research Determination, Research Program Delivery and Research outcomes dissemination
CoE in the Context of MHSC The CoE falls under SIMRAC, and comprises of three different chronological work streams
Overview: Impact of Research
Overview: Research Process Annual Programme Development – Stakeholder Consultation Workshops (Research Institutions and Academia) Circulation within MHSC council Committees Stakeholder Consultation Workshops Approval by Council board including estimated budget and submission to Minister Approval by Minister for Implementation
THE MHSC PROJECT VALUE CHAIN Project needs identification Project definition or scope of work Project procurement Project management/ execution Project closure Knowledge & Technology transfer based on project outcomes Stakeholders including Council Committees provide input into the needs analysis. Each stakeholder needs to provide a report that clearly articulates the need. Each submission must adhere to the following outline: i. Topic for consideration ii. Evidence based motivation for study iii. Research Question (with support from the MHSC CoE Office) iv. Stakeholders that provide input into the needs analysis must declare that they do not have direct interests in research and also declare that they will in no way participate in the submission of responses and research topics. d) The CoE’s RDTC collates all inputs identified by stakeholders other than the Council Committees and prepares a Needs Analysis Report that must be presented to SIMRAC for approval for recommendation by the Council. e) The Council Committees Programme Managers work with the CoE RDTC to refine the research needs input documents before presenting the Needs Analysis Report to the relevant committee for approval for recommendation by the Council. f) This is done before the 3rd quarter MHSC meeting of each financial year
CoE Research determination Focus areas and Motivations Council Committees State Organized Labour CoE Partners Potential Commercialization Partners MQA TIA MOSH Key: Broader stakeholder consultations Technical Advisory Committee (Co-opted Council Committee Members & Technical Experts) formulate Annual Programme SIMRAC Advices Council Approval by Council Approval by Minister & provide Feedback for council
Project Definition & ToR Approved Council research questions Project Definition & ToR Drafting of ToR and Scope of work and submission to BSC Submission of ToR to BAC for recommendation to the CEO Approval of ToR for gazetting
Project Procurement Approved ToR Gazetting of ToR Conducting of briefing session Receiving, evaluation and recommendation by BEC Adjudication and recommendation to CEO/ to Chairperson of Council Awarding of the contract
Research Delivery
CoE Research outcomes determination Commercialisation: • intellectual property Know-how • Patents • Trademarks • Copyrights Marketing and Promotion: • General marketing and promotion materials; and • Academic publications Training Education and Awareness • OHS Awareness Material; • OHS General Training Courses and workshops; • OHS Certified Courses; and • University Course Content Template Completed RODTC (Co-opted Council Committee Members & Technical Experts) formulate Annual Programme SIMRAC Advices Council Approval by Council Approval by Minister & provide Feedback for council
Appointment of technical experts The Technical Expert must be appointed through a three quotation process or through a competitive bidding process. The MHSC Office will advertise to appoint subject matter experts as per the research thrust areas. The appropriate CoE (PDTC) will screen the experts based on a specific criteria Once the experts have been approved by the appropriate CoE, the MHSC Office will utilise only these experts within the database. The Technical Expert appointed to the Bid Evaluation Committee cannot have an interest in any of the bidders that submitted their proposals. This should be checked by the MHSC Office. The Technical Expert’s role when utilised during procurement process is to evaluate all bids and score the technical component of the submissions against the evaluation criteria. The Technical Expert should not select the “winner”. Engagement with technical experts by advisory committee members needs to be in an open transparent manner and must be approved at an advisory committee meeting. The expert works as an independent person under contract to the MHSC for the duration of the MHSC contract and should not be part of the project execution nor have any form of relations with the researchers.
Procurement of Research: SCM Policy SCM Policy: provide a mechanism to ensure sound, sustainable and accountable supply chain management and procurement within the Mine Health and Safety Council (MHSC)including the OHS projects. - The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, particularly section 217 - The Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999) as amended by Act No. 29 of 1999 Core principles of SCM system - Fairness (ethics and fair dealing) - Equity - Transparency (accountability and reporting) - Competiveness (open and effective competition) - Value for Money Bid Committee Membership - Chairperson of BAC should be CFO, MHSC officials and invited Experts
BID COMMITTEES MEMBERSHIP: BSC Designation Role in the Committee CoE Program Manager Research Determination Specialist (Deputy Chair) Technology Transfer & Commercialisation Specialist (Deputy Chair) Chairperson Any one (1) of the following programme managers: MOHAC Programme Manager MITHAC Programme Manager Special Projects Programme Manager Safety Programme Manager Regulations Programme Manager Member 2. Co-opted Committee members 3. Supply Chain Management Member/ Administration 4. Occupational Health Specialist 5. Mining Safety Specialist Alternate member to Occupational Health Specialist 6. Technology Transfer & Commercialisation Specialist Research Knowledge and Technology transfer specialist (this relates to procurement of dissemination projects)
BID COMMITTEES MEMBERSHIP: BEC Designation Role in the Committee CoE Program Manager Research Determination Specialist (Deputy Chair) Technology Transfer & Commercialisation Specialist (Deputy Chair) Chairperson Any one (1) of the following programme managers: MOHAC Programme Manager MITHAC Programme Manager Special Projects Programme Manager Safety Programme Manager Regulations Programme Manager Member 2) Co-opted Committee members 3) Supply Chain Management Member/ Administration 4) Occupational Health Specialist 5) Mining Safety Specialist Alternate member to Occupational Health Specialist 6) Technology Transfer & Commercialisation Specialist 7) *Independent Technical Experts Invitee The meeting of the BEC is deemed to be quorate if 50% plus (+) 1 of the members are in attendance.
BID COMMITTEES MEMBERSHIP: BEC Designation Role in the Committee Chair of the MHSC Office standing BAC CFO or alternate (MHSC Office) Any one (1) of the following programme managers (who was not part of BSC & BEC): MOHAC Programme Manager MITHAC Programme Manager Special Project Programme Manager Safety Programme Manager Regulations Programme Manager Member Supply Chain Management Officer Administration Co-opted members of the relevant advisory committee (who was not part of BSC & BEC) Member (as relevant) The meeting of the BEC is deemed to be quorate if 50% plus (+) 1 of the members are in attendance.
CoE Value Chain and Interactions
Technical Committee Members Co-opted Tripartite Council Committee members Technical Committee Specialist Committee Administrator Technical Experts
Conclusions Committees will no longer conduct research projects, but formulate inputs and TOR’s and submit to CoE, other responsibilities remain. SIMRAC’s will be the oversight committee to CoE and its work will be done through TAC’s. The MHSC office urgently need committees to co-opt members. Technical Experts database will also be expanded to support CoE.
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