Organisational Governance in the Zambian Public Sector REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA Organisational Governance in the Zambian Public Sector Presentation at the British Chamber of Commerce Event by Dr. Roland Msiska Secretary to the Cabinet Zambia,
Presentation Outline Conceptual Framework Governance: the Zambian Context Key Governance issues in the Zambian Public Service What have we done so far?
Conceptual Framework The British Standards Institute BS 13500 Code of practice for delivering effective governance of organizations, defines governance as “the system by which the whole organization is directed, controlled and accountable to achieve its core purpose over the long term”.
Governance: the Zambian Context Republican Constitution Vision 2030 7TH NDP Arms of Government Citizens & Business INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS AND SYSTEMS
Key Governance Issues in the Zambian Public Sector Poor delivery of public services to citizens Weak Public finance management highly centralized decision-making systems Inefficient public procurement systems Capacity to adapt to changing environment distortions in the pay structure
What have we done?
Smart Zambia What have we done so far? Prepared by the Smart Zambia Institute for the Government of Zambia | June 2017 Smart Zambia A prosperous and globally competitive knowledge based developed country What have we done so far?
SMART ZAMBIA 2026 TARGETS CONNECTED ZAMBIA 2026 TRANSACTIONAL presence: Two-way interactive applications provide citizens with opportunities for online, financial and non-financial transactions. Emerging Offering basic information online. Enhanced Greater sources of information and e-tools and e-services. Connected The way government operates fundamentally changes, and there is better coherence, integration and coordination of processes and systems within and across government agencies. Government transforms itself into a connected entity. BASIC ZAMBIA 2017 TRANSACTIONAL ZAMBIA 2021 CONNECTED ZAMBIA 2026 Channels: Web Portal, SMS, Mobile Portal, Public Kiosks Basic Websites, Coordinated Channels: Mobile Portal, Public Kiosks, PPPs Integrated Channels: ALL SMART ZAMBIA 2026 TARGETS
Smart Public Service ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT SERVICES - CURRENT STATUS Government to Citizens E-Pamodzi E-Learning ZEDUPAD ZILMIS SMART CARE E-ZAMTIS Business Tax Online ASYCUDA E-PACRA eGov Procurement E-VISA Government IFMIS & TSA Payroll PMEC Shared Services Skype for Business GRZ mining Cadastral Portal Smart Public Service e-Government Procurement system to improve public procurement Thirteen electronic services have been implemented, namely: Integrated National Registration Information System; Zambia Transport Information System (e-ZAMTIS); e-VISA; Patents and Companies Registration Agency (e-PACRA); Tax Online; Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS); Payroll Management and Establishment Control System (PMEC); Zambia Integrated Lands Management Information System (ZILMIS); Government Procurement system (e-GP); Educational Management Information System; and Smart Care
Smart Public Service Digital transformation for Government services and operations Citizens, Businesses and Government Agencies are now accessing Government information online Internet bills have reduced from K3.2 million to K1.1 million per month translating into a saving of 66 percent for 30 institutions which are now sharing unified internet services; Government will now generate additional revenue by providing data housing services for the business community and other countries at the national data centre;
Lowering the Cost of Running Government Operations Payment of sitting allowances has been abolished. This reduced expenditure on Committees by 78 % and 52% in the year 2014 and 2015, respectively Civil Service Travel Office was established in 2012 resulting in savings of up to 65% on the cost of the air tickets due to elimination of profit mark-ups and commissions as well as the application of the most direct route principle for civil servants travels;
Lowering the Cost of Running Government Operations Public Service Micro Finance Company to offer various loan facilities to public service employees at affordable rates was established in 2013; A Contributory Funeral Insurance Assistance Scheme with enhanced benefits was established in 2016; Streamlining transport management in the Public Service by abolishing personal-to-holder motor vehicles and introducing fuel allowance. Accountant General’s report showed that a total expenditure on fuel and lubricants reduced from K158.96 million in 2013 to K98.85 million in 2014, representing 38% reduction in 2014;
Private Sector Development Reforms key focus of the reforms included business and regulatory reforms, trade logistic reforms, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) development, Doing Business reforms and capacity building of the Public Sector to support the growth and development of the private sector. out of the targeted 170 business licences deemed to be redundant, 113 licences were abolished; 38 municipal licenses and permits were converted into a Single Business Levy to be paid over the counter at local authorities; Information on the 183 licenses out of the targeted 283 have been uploaded onto the e-Registry;
Private Sector Development Reforms the system for issuing construction permits at Lusaka City Council has been automated; One-Stop-Shops for Business Registration have been established and are operational in Lusaka and Livingstone; and an online system for Business Registration has been developed and implemented. Business Registration which has reduced from a minimum of 14 days to one (1) day; The introduction of the electronic single window at the border which has reduced clearance time and cost; Clients can now register their businesses from anywhere as long as they have access to internet.
Public Finance Management Integrated Financial Management and Information System has been rolled out to 44 out of the planned 51 Ministries, Provinces and Spending Agencies. Direct deposits to banks or Post Office have been introduced for Government services such as passports and work permits. This is designed to prevent people from paying at the point of service thus reducing opportunities for corruption; The Public Finance Act is also being reviewed to strengthen it.
Other Critical Areas Government will soon propose a Public-Private Partnership (Amendment) Bill 2017 to facilitate implementation of privately financed infrastructure projects; Introduction of Planning and Budgeting Bill; Electronic Government Bill National Social Protection Bill Introduction of the multi-sectoral approach in the 7th National Development Plan.
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