Marchants Hill - 2018 Welcome and thank you very much for coming tonight. Introduce everyoe.
Personal and Social Development Living and working with peers in a team environment - Develop independence Develop confidence Develop an ability to recognise strengths and weaknesses in constructive way.
Children try new activities for first time Children set their own goals and targets and are encouraged to achieve at their own ability level. Instructors work with teacher to encourage children to achieve goals. The value of giving children the opportunity to try out new activities for the first time cannot be underestimated Children set their own goals and targets and are encouraged to achieve at their own ability level. For some, the achievement of putting on an abseiling harness will be as significant and great as actually coming down the tower. The instructors work with with the teachers to set suitable learning challenges and are trained to be responsive to pupils’ diverse learning needs.
Programme for the week Morning Afternoon Evening 1 2 3 4 5 Ambush ADVENTURE - Sample Mid-Week Programme Morning Afternoon Evening Sessions 1 2 3 4 5 Monday Arrive settle in PACKED LUNCH Ambush Tuesday Archery Quad biking Zip wire Air Rifles Camp fire Wed Abseiling Aero ball Jacob’s Ladder Trapeze Whacky racing Thursday Sensory Trail Challenge course Power fan Problem solving Disco Friday Climbing Orienteering Travel back to school Weather: If it is necessary to cancel an activity in your programme due to bad weather, an alternative will be offered in its place.
Instructors and accompanying adults PGL Instructors are fully trained and qualified Each school has one leader who oversees all activities and needs for the week. PGL activity groups have a maximum group size of 12. A teacher from St. John Fisher with each group for whole week. PGL Instructors are fully trained and qualified (by National Governing Body coaches where applicable) to teach PGL land-based activities. Generally each activity group benefits from one PGL Instructor for the duration of the course, allowing trust and confidence to be built between pupil and Instructor. PGL activity groups have a maximum group size of 12 which allows much greater bonding, closer supervision, more effective teamwork and added ‘time on task’.
Safety Safety Procedures by National Governing Bodies. Centre Manager has a full-size First Aid Kit and each of the Instructors normally carries a First Aid Kit on activity sessions. (Member of Staff from St. John Fisher also First Aid trained) Daily safety and equipment checks They adhere strictly to the Safety Procedures laid down by the appropriate National Governing Bodies. They operate strictly within the Code of Practice laid down by the British Activity Holiday Association (BAHA) of which they are full members. The Centre Manager has a full-size First Aid Kit and each of the Instructors normally carries a First Aid Kit on activity sessions. Daily safety and equipment checks are made and recorded at all of the centres. Any equipment showing signs of wear is immediately taken out of commission and replaced.
Equipment, clothing and weather Specialist equipment – provided Personal clothing – see list All specialist equipment required for the activities listed is provided at the Centre, e.g. helmets, sports equipment etc and use of safety equipment is mandatory. Personal clothing: several changes of old clothing suitable for dry or wet weather activities, a waterproof jacket, trainers (if possible 2 pairs) and plenty of socks, underwear etc.
Sample Menu Meals at the Centre are wholesome and plentiful. A typical menu would be as follows: Breakfast: Fruit juice, cereal, cooked breakfast, toast with jam or marmalade. Packed lunch: Main course, salad bar, fruit, yoghurt, water Evening meal: Soup (or alternative starter), main course, salad bar, dessert and water.
Spending money Tuck shop We recommend £2.50 for Tuesday and Wednesday. You can send up to £5 for Thursday. Money should be placed in sealed envelopes with your child’s name and ammount on. Please bring as much small change as possible. All money to be handed in on the morning we leave. In the evenings there is a tuck shop. We recommnet £1.50 per day and a couple pounds more for the last evening as they would be able to purchase souvernirs. Money should be placed in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on. Please bring as much small change as possible.
Medicine As staff we can not administer any medicine except calpol and piriton. Consent Form Only medicine that is prescribed by a doctor. (Can you let us know in writing.) Only exception is hayfever relief and travel sickness tablets. ( must be in an envelop or sealed bag with instructions We have a list with all the emergency contact numbers. First Aid – qualified first aiders are always available at the Sick Bay or Office. As staff we can not administer any medicine. Only medicine that is prescribed by a docter. (Can you let us know in writing.) We have a list with all the emergency contact numbers. First Aid – qualified first aiders are always available at the Sick Bay or Office.
Sleeping arrangements Sleeping arrangements will be made at a later stage(up to 6 children per room) Children will need their own sleeping bag and pillow. If there are any issues that might be embarrassing for your child, please let us know. The children will in groups of 10/12 for activities.
Behaviour expectation Follow the mission statement To be polite and respectful at all times Do not touch other people’s belongings No fighting or using of bad language Any issues arising can result in parents being called and asked to take their child home. Follow the mission statement To be polite at all times Do not touch other people’s belongings No fighting or using of bad language Any issues arising can result in parents being called and asked to take their child home.
Things to leave at home Mobile phone PSP I pods/Kindles Jewellery Hair straightners If you don’t want to lose it, don’t take it on P.G.L.!
Other Phoning - ring the school All children’s belonging to be clearly marked Bin bag to bring clothes home No expensive clothes If possible, no suitcases but soft bags/backpacks- preferably with wheels (coach company has requested this)