Starfish Class - ‘Stars in the making!’ Starfish Newsletter Starfish Class - ‘Stars in the making!’ Friday 14th December 2012 Our learning Literacy Please see the attached sheet for your child’s phonics learning. Theme We have been starting to think about advent and have been learning the different parts of the Christmas story. We have made calendars and started our Christmas cards. Maths We have been learning all about pattern. We have created patterned stocking, paper chains and made a patterned Christmas card which you will receive next week. Website You are able to share your child’s learning each week via our school website. This is updated most weeks with up to date photos of starfish children's learning. To access this go onto the St. Pauls website and then chose classes and then starfish class on the left hand side. After School Clubs Mini Musicians club has now finished, you will see what they have been up to in the Christmas play. Cooking Club will continue for one more week to finish decorating their cakes. Children's Learning Please could you complete and send in the comment bubble that was sent home last week. We would love to know how you feel your child has developed in their first term at school. Cauliflower Cards If you ordered cards you should now have received them. Tonight you will be getting the design back to keep. There is no need to send this back into school. Nativity Show All children will need their costumes in school for Monday’s performance. All children will need to be back at school by 5:10 pm on the Monday evening to get changed, they will come in through the classroom door. Parents with tickets to watch the evening show should then enter via the office. If you are not watching the evening performance your child will need collecting at 6:10pm. Dates for your diaries Monday 17th Dec - Nativity Play 2pm and 5:30pm Wednesday 19th Dec - Pantomime, King Georges Hall. Please wear your uniform. No spending money or snacks needed. All will need a packed lunch that day. Thursday 20th Dec - Christmas Dinner Christmas Party, You may wear your party clothes this day but you will need sensible shoes and be warm enough. Friday 21st Dec - School closes at 1:35pm Special Christmas Snack Monday: chocolate yule log Tuesday: yoghurt Wednesday: Christmas cake Thursday: party food Please let a member of Starfish staff know if your child has any allergies. Starfish of the week Boy: Kody Vanroose-Brydon Girl: Charlotte Ingham Have a lovely weekend The Starfish Staff