T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E I wanna thank You I wanna thank You I wanna thank You I wanna thank You Lord (repeat) T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
I've been high, I've been low I don't know where I'd go Where would I be if it wasn't for You? What would I say what would I do? I've been high, I've been low I don't know where I'd go without You T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E I wanna thank You I wanna thank You I wanna thank You I wanna thank You Lord T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
I've been high, I've been low I don't know where I'd go Where would I be if it wasn't for You? What would I say what would I do? I've been high, I've been low I don't know where I'd go T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
turned me around Set my feet on solid ground Made a way out of no way Picked me up turned me around Set my feet on solid ground Made a way out of no way T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E I wanna thank You I wanna thank You I wanna thank You I wanna thank You Lord T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
Really been good Really, really, been good Really been good to me (repeat) T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
I wanna thank you You’ve been so good! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
I've been high, I've been low I don't know where I'd go Where would I be if it wasn't for You? What would I say what would I do? I've been high, I've been low I don't know where I'd go without You T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E I wanna thank You I wanna thank You I wanna thank You I wanna thank You Lord T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E I wanna thank You Lord T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
I just wanna thank You I just wanna thank You I just wanna thank You Lord I just wanna thank You Lord T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
Thank You! Thank You, Lord! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
Let us exalt His name together. He has done great things. Magnify the Lord. Let us exalt His name together. He has done great things. (repeat) T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Give Him the highest praise! (repeat) T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
Let us exalt His name together. He has done great things. Magnify the Lord. Let us exalt His name together. He has done great things. (repeat) T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Give Him the highest praise! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
BASS: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Give Him the highest praise! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
ALTO: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Give Him the highest praise! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Give Him the highest praise! SOPRANO: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Give Him the highest praise! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Give Him the highest praise! TENOR: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Give Him the highest praise! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
ALL: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Give Him the highest praise! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Give Him the highest PRAISE! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Lord, I lift Your name on high; Lord, I love to sing Your praises. I'm so glad You're in my life; I'm so glad You came to save us. T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E You came from heaven to earth to show the way; From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay. From the cross to the grave, From the grave to the sky; Lord, I lift Your name on high. T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Lord, I lift Your name on high; Lord, I love to sing Your praises. I'm so glad You're in my life; I'm so glad You came to save us. T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E You came from heaven to earth to show the way; From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay. From the cross to the grave, From the grave to the sky; Lord, I lift Your name on high. T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Lord, I lift Your name on high; Lord, I love to sing Your praises. I'm so glad You're in my life; I'm so glad You came to save us. T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E You came from heaven to earth to show the way; From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay. From the cross to the grave, From the grave to the sky; Lord, I lift Your name on high. T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E You came from heaven to earth to show the way; From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay. From the cross to the grave, From the grave to the sky; Lord, I lift Your name on high. T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Lord, I lift Your name on high. Lord, I lift Your name on high. Lord, I lift Your name on high. T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E This is Your house Father come and dwell This is Your house A holy house of prayer Where the lost and the lonely Bring their burdens and their cares This is Your house This is Your house, come and dwell T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Evermore I will love You Evermore I will serve You Evermore I will glorify The name of the Lord T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Evermore I'll adore You Evermore bow before You I will bless Your name forevermore T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Evermore I will love You Evermore I will serve You Evermore I will glorify The name of the Lord T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Evermore I'll adore You Evermore bow before You I will bless Your name forevermore T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Evermore I will love You Evermore I will serve You Evermore I will glorify The name of the Lord T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Evermore I'll adore You Evermore bow before You I will bless Your name forevermore T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E You alone are glorified And of Your goodness testified Your banner I will lift on high Forever and ever T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E And when my life on earth is done And when my battles have been won I'll sing my praise around the throne Forever and ever T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Evermore I will love You Evermore I will serve You Evermore I will glorify The name of the Lord T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Evermore I'll adore You Evermore bow before You I will bless Your name forevermore T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Evermore I will love You Evermore I will serve You Evermore I will praise You Evermore I will raise You T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Evermore I'll adore You Evermore bow before You I will bless Your name forevermore I will bless Your name forevermore… T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
Jesus, Your name is power; Jesus, Your name is might. Jesus, Your name will break every stronghold; Jesus, Your name is life. T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
Jesus, Your name is healing; Jesus, Your name gives sight. Jesus, Your name will free every captive; Jesus, Your name is life. T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
Jesus, Your name is holy; Jesus, Your name brings light. above every other; Jesus, Your name is life. T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
Jesus, Your name is power; Jesus, Your name is might. Jesus, Your name will break every stronghold; Jesus, Your name is life. T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
break every stronghold; Jesus, Your name will break every stronghold; Jesus, Your name is life. T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
Hallelujah, hallelujah, Oh Lord, we praise Your name. All the glory All the praise T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
God Wants Us to Share! Luke 5: 1-11
Jesus’ Last Word “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8
Our World Needs People Who Will Share! The world is filled with takers, yet the church should be filled with givers!
What made the difference? Two Fishing Trips What made the difference?
God’s presence in your boat of life! Principle # 1 God’s presence in your boat of life!
“He entered the ship…” vs. 3 To be able to share with others you must have Jesus in your boat of life.
God’s not interested in your abilities, but your availability! What does God want? God’s not interested in your abilities, but your availability!
Principle # 2 God’s plan in your head.
Why Launch out into the Deep? That is where the big fish are!
God’s promises in your heart. Principle # 3 God’s promises in your heart.
“I will make you fishers of men.” Jesus Said “I will make you fishers of men.”
Are you going to fish or talk? QUESTION Are you going to fish or talk?
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place I can feel His mighty power and His grace I can hear the brush of angel's wings I see glory on each face Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
at Your feet Lord Jesus In Your presence I will come and bow down at Your feet Lord Jesus In Your presence is fullness of joy There is nothing There is no one who compares with You I take pleasure in worshiping You Lord T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E I will never be the same again I can never return I've closed the door I will walk the path I'll run the race And I will never be the same again (repeat) T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Fall like fire soak like rain Flow like mighty waters Again and again Sweep away the darkness Burn away the chaff And let a flame burn To glorify Your name T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E There are higher heights There are deeper seas Whatever You need to do Lord do in me the glory of God fills my life And I will never be the same again T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Fall like fire soak like rain Flow like mighty waters Again and again Sweep away the darkness Burn away the chaff And let a flame burn To glorify Your name T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E I will never be the same again I can never return I've closed the door I will walk the path I'll run the race And I will never be the same again T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E He is here, hallelujah He is here, amen He is here, holy, holy I will bless His name again He is here, listen closely Hear Him calling out your name He is here, you can touch Him you will never be the same T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
TRUTH Tabernacle of PRAISE This week at TRUTH Tabernacle of PRAISE
Don’t miss our most important meeting of the week!
Truth Tabernacle Choir Weekly Rehearsal Wednesday @ 7:00 p.m. Tucker Middle School Contact David Thomas for more info: davidt@truthtabernacle.net
Have a blessed week!