Salvation is saving a person's soul from sin and its consequences i Salvation is saving a person's soul from sin and its consequences i.e hell. It is God's free gift to whoever wants to receive it. Jesus said in John 6:37, "Whoever comes to me I will never drive away." This includes you, wherever and whoever you are. Please repeat the following prayer from the innermost parts of your heart. You will be saved
Dear Heavenly Father I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ I come to you with all my sins, burdens and addictions I come to you on the basis of what Jesus Christ has done for me I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins and curses and rose again for me Right now I invite you, Lord Jesus to come into my life Thank you for forgiving my sins I put my faith in you alone, Lord Jesus Christ I believe with my heart what I now confess with my mouth : You are my Saviour, Lord and God Now I am born again - a child of God I believe it and receive it in the Name of Jesus Amen
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