Conference Registration Management Application By Christopher A. Duwel
Introduction Product Description and Intended Use User Profile Design Protocols Testing Deliverables CRMA Demonstration/Proof of Design Conclusion
Product Description and Intended Use Web application for conference setup and registration system. The three options: conference setup, purchase advertisement/booth space, and register for a particular conference. This application will have several pages, using a frame setup.
User Profile User with basic Internet skills and knowledge Performs four different functions Setup a conference or event Register for conference Purchase advertising or booth Space Member Administration
Design Protocol -- GUI Web-accessed Graphical User Interface (GUI) Written using ASP .NET/VB .NET Uses frames to give a congruent look to the application. Uses background color of Plum and text color of black. Descriptive labels use a size of medium and the default font type.
Flowchart for CRMA Setup Event Attendee Registration and Ad/Exhibitor Sales Archive Conference Details Event Search Payment Seminars Advertisements / Booths Member Approval Admin? Home Account Setup / Login
Design Protocol -- Database Created using SQL Server 2000 Tables to hold member, conference and registration information Two contraints to ensure userid and password are unique One login account for the application to use
Testing OCAS Senior Design Web server Have several people use the application and provide feedback as to usability and errors. Aided in finding errors caused during server transfer.
Deliverables -- User Interface Web-accessed Graphical User Interface (GUI) Home Page Login Page Create Account Page The page sequence to set up a conference. The sequence of pages to search the stored conferences. Member Approval Page Help Page
Deliverables -- Database SQL Serever 2000 database Contains six tables: Members, Conferences, ConfDateTime, ConfSeminar, ConfAdBooth, and Registration Two Unique Constraints: UserID and Password CRMA Login account with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE permissions.
Deliverables -- Database
Conference Registration Management Application Demonstration Conference Registration Management Application
Conclusion Product Description and Intended Use User Profile Design Protocols Testing Deliverables CRMA Demonstration/Proof of Design