Welcome to the BMES Mentorship Kickoff meeting! Please help yourself to some delicious Portofinos!
Agenda What is Mentorship? Goals of the program Profiles and Pairings Leadership Team Volunteer Opportunities Important dates Resume review
What is mentorship? To create a Network that establishes unity and growth socially, academically and professionally throughout the undergraduate experience and BEYOND!
About Me Grace Lee Internal VP of BMES & mentorship coordinator 4th year, double majoring in BME and Korean I work in the Zhang Lab and was an Anatomy TA last semester I am from Columbus, went to Dublin Scioto
Contact Information Grace Lee: lee.5957@osu.edu 614-326-9037 Jesse Fine: fine.71@osu.edu 516-780-2341
Goals of the Program To provide guidance and support to students Build community throughout BME at OSU To provide opportunities for members to get involved and gain leadership experience
What can you gain? Friends, Food, and Fun! Advice for classes, résumés, and applications Connections for research, internships, and co-ops Research social network/database (new this year)
Mentorship events this year Spring Domain Panel (10/10) Academic Panel (10/19) BMES Hockey Night (10/22) Careers in BME (10/24) BME Curriculum Walkthrough (11/9) BMES Ice skating (11/18)
Profiles and Pairings In order to participate, you need to pay dues Two parts: Google form and Profile Slide Submit and email by Wednesday 9/14 Google form is under Important Links Profile slide template is under Resources Separate form will be sent out to mentees to get their first, second, third choice of mentor
Profile Slide Name and year FE/FEH Plans after graduation Domains of interest or domains taken About you and/or experience: 2 -3 sentences Contact info (email, phone # optional) Photo Email to me at lee.5957@osu.edu
Mentor Back to Interest Slide Name: Jesse Fine Year: 3rd Choose: Pre-Grad Domains Taken/To be Taken (Choose 3): 1. Bioimaging 2. Micro/Nano Technology 3. Cell and Tissue Engineering Experience: BMES President; Previous Mentor; Advised on undergraduate research, internships About Me: I’m interested in early diagnostic methodologies, and enjoy helping people achieve academic and professional goals they set for themselves. Phone: 516-780-2341 Email: Fine.71@osu.edu Back to Interest Slide
Leadership Team Need two freshmen, one sophomore, and one junior or senior Help plan events and meetings; junior/senior will be outreach coordinator Time commitment Applications found under Important Links due Wednesday 9/21
Other Leadership Opportunities Industry Relations Committee Application BME I&RS Coordinator Application Both due on Monday 9/19 Industry Visits Coordinator Application People interested in industry visits: fill out interest form Both due on Friday 9/9 All found under Important Links
Volunteering Opportunities Engineering Career Expo: Wednesday 9/14 - Monday 9/19 Sign up on link to be sent out with recap email Send an email to me: lee.5957@osu.edu to be entered in a gift card raffle Blood Drive: Monday 9/19 10am-5pm hourly shifts Contact: Qinwan Rabbani.6
Volunteering Opportunities Metro Early College High-School Volunteering Contact: Qinwan Rabbani.6 Physician’s Free Clinic Volunteering Contact: Kevin Unkrich.5 Deadline Monday 9/19 Applications found under Important Links
Upcoming BMES Dates Networking Night: Mon. 9/19, 5-8pm (Biomedical Research Tower 115) Bdubs Social: Thurs. 9/22, 6-8pm (Lane+High) General Body Meeting: Wed. 9/28, 6-7:30pm (Hitchcock 035)
Résumé Review “Speed Dating” 5 minutes with each mentor