Washington State Office of the Family and Children’s Ombuds CA Supervisors Training Wednesday, September 13, 2017 Patrick Dowd Cristina Limpens
What We’ll Cover Today OFCO Background, Duties and Responsibilities OFCO Complaint Investigation Process and Intervention Responding to a Complaint- The Ombuds Called, Now What? Applying OFCO Complaints to Improve Practice
OFCO Background- Who We Are Director 4 Ombuds (2 MSW’s, 2 Attorneys) Special Projects/Database Administrator
Background- What We Do Oversight of child welfare system. Independent, impartial, and confidential review of department actions or conduct. OFCO is empowered to: Investigate complaints Induce DSHS to change problematic decisions Recommend system-wide improvements to the Legislature and the Governor
Background- What We Do OFCO Critical Incident Reviews Child fatalities and near fatalities Recurrent maltreatment Report on implementation of child fatality review recommendations Make Recommendations to Improve the Child Welfare System Establish “Oversight Board” for DCYF
OFCO Complaint Investigation Process- Intake Complaint Intake and Screening Online Complaint Form Does Complaint involve child or family involved with the state child welfare system? Is it Emergent? Is a Child’s Safety at Risk? Is it Time Sensitive?
OFCO Complaint Investigation Process- Confidentiality OFCO has a duty to maintain confidentiality Identity of Complainant Information Provided in Complaint Information Obtained during Investigation OFCO Complaint Records and Reports Exceptions to the Rule
OFCO Complaint Investigation Process- Investigative Activities Gather Information From the Complainant Access FamLink/ Agency Records Interview Caseworker, Supervisor Interview Collaterals
OFCO Complaint Investigation Process- Standard of Review Did Alleged Action or Conduct Occur? If So, Was it a Violation of State Laws, Court Order or Agency Policies? Was Agency Action or Conduct Clearly Unreasonable?
OFCO Complaint Investigation Process- Complaint Outcomes (52.5%) No basis for Further Action Resolved without action by OFCO Assistance Intervention Adverse Finding Written Notice to CA Opportunity to Respond
OFCO Complaint Investigation Process- Intervention Key Issue: Infant safety concerns related to mother’s mental health and substance abuse Investigative Finding: CPS did not remove the child, but entered into a safety plan that the mother not be left alone with her baby. Parents failed to engage in services or follow safety plan. Ombuds Action: OFCO contacted the RA with concerns regarding the infant’s safety, mother’s mental health and drug use, and parents non-compliance with safety plan. Outcome: CPS removed infant and placed her in foster care.
OFCO Complaint Investigation Process- Adverse Findings 44 adverse findings made in 31 investigations (2015-2016) Top issues: Child safety (17 findings) Parents’ rights (10 findings) Poor casework practice (10 findings) OFCO received 10 requests from CA to modify the finding. OFCO withdrew 2 findings.
OFCO Complaint Investigation Process- Adverse Finding Finding Prompts Staff Training on Engaging Incarcerated Parents OFCO found that a CFWS caseworker had not communicated with or provided services to the incarcerated father of two dependent children. The DOC facility was located within 30 minutes of the DCFS office. The father sent numerous letters to the caseworker requesting information about his children and assistance with court ordered services.
The Ombuds Called- Now What? Respond Timely Relax- Don’t Panic Majority of Complaints are not Substantiated OFCO can Assist by Identifying and Resolving Issues Keep an Open Mind- Take Complaint Seriously Active Listening Put Yourself in the Complainant’s Shoes Recognize the Agency’s Power
The Ombuds Called, Now What? Treat OFCO Complaint Investigation as an Opportunity: Another Form of Customer Feedback Resolve Issues in a Less Adversarial Manner Reassess Agency’s Actions and Case Plan Independent Validation of Agency’s Conduct
Applying OFCO Complaints to Future Practice Evaluate the Types of Complaints You Receive Is This an Isolated Event or Recurring Issue? Is Additional Training or Increased Supervision Warranted?
Applying OFCO Complaints to Future Practice Use OFCO Reports as a Training/Practice Improvement Resource Annual Reports Working with Incarcerated Parents Placement Exceptions Child Fatality/ Near Fatality Reports Safe Sleep Environment Opioid Use and Child Fatalities Special Reports Improving Outcomes For Children in Group Care
Questions and Answers
Patrick Dowd, JD Cristina Limpens, MSW Director Sr Patrick Dowd, JD Cristina Limpens, MSW Director Sr. Ombuds OFCO 6840 Fort Dent Way, Suite 125 Tukwila, WA 98188 206-439-3870 website: ofco.wa.gov