Spokane County LE Response to Drug Endangered Children This project was supported by Cooperative Agreement Nos. 2003-JS-FX-K083 & 2005-JL-FX-K122 awarded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
Introduction Detective Larry O Bowman Special Investigative Unit Spokane Police Dept 1100 W. Mallon Spokane, WA 99260 509-363-8221 Lbowman@Spokanepolice.org Washington DEC Alliance www.wadecalliance.org 2
Spokane County DEC Partners Spokane County Sheriff’s Office Spokane Police Department Liberty Lake Police Department Airway Heights Police Department Child Protective Services Partners with Families and Children Salvation Army: Sally’s House Lutheran Community Services Washington State Office of the Attorney General Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office Spokane Public Schools / ESD 101 Washington State Department of Corrections (DOC) Greater Spokane Substance Abuse Council (GSSAC) 3
Why Was a DEC Program Needed Lack of coordination and collaboration Information was not shared with other agencies before planned arrests/WSIN CPS may or may not be notified Lack of consistency with CPS response Crime scenes not investigated for child abuse/neglect Prosecutors not able to pursue additional charges of child endangerment
Law Enforcement Response Collaboration with CPS - before and after child is placed by LE Initiate process about half the time (knock and talk, controlled purchases, search warrants, field interviews, welfare checks, patrol) Place children into protective custody Emergency Placement/LE responsibility Prosecution: effects on investigation and successful prosecution; additional enhancements 5
Law Enforcement needs to document the children’s accessibility of drugs for criminal/civil legal proceedings Law Enforcement documents the accessibility of the narcotics to the children for criminal/ civil legal proceedings Nat. DEC 6
Home Show What to look for in a drug environment Video Home Show What to look for in a drug environment
Endangerment w/a Controlled Substance Person guilty if knowingly or intentionally permits dependant child/adult be exposed to, ingest, inhale, or have contact w/meth, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or anhydrous ammonia, etc, used in the manufacture of meth. RCW 9A.42.100 Specific to Methamphetamine
Criminal Mistreatment First Degree – recklessly causes great bodily harm by w/holding basic necessites Second Degree – recklessly creates an imminent/substantial risk of death/great bodily harm. Substantial harm by w/hold’g Third Degree – Criminal negligence Fourth Degree – Criminal negligence
Arresting Officer Responsibility When a LE officer arrests a person for criminal mistreatment of a child, the officer must notify Child Protective Services.
L.E. Responsibilities Medic respond if children need medical assist. Assess environment, children, document evidence that children live at residence Photograph/measure location of C/S Photograph accessibility to drugs/paraphernalia/weapons/pornography Photograph child at scene. Notify CPS/PCS/PCS w/Intent/Manufacture
L.E. Responsibilities Cont! Remove/place child w/CPS: Examples! Release to family members????????? Schools contacted by LE/CPS Restrict cell phone usage by children??????? Interview of children Video tape of residence Make arrests when appropriate!!!
Information provided by: Spokane Police Department Spokane County Sheriff’s Office Child Protective Services Partners with Families and Children Lutheran Community Services Northwest Washington Department of Corrections Greater Spokane Substance Abuse Center Spokane Public Schools Education Service District 101 Washington DEC Alliance National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children This project was supported by Cooperative Agreement Nos. 2003-JS-FX-K083 and 2005-JL-FX-K122 awarded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.