Wagmatcook First Nation August 20 – 27, 2017 A celebration of sports & culture while building unity & pride! Wagmatcook First Nation August 20 – 27, 2017 For more sample templates, click the File tab, and then on the New tab, click Sample Templates.
1 2 3 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Sporting Events Cultural Activities Social Events Sporting Events Key Components of the N.S. Mi’kmaw Summer Games
Sports Overview & History 1 The Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Summer Games started in the mid 1970’s and have been a key driver in helping to shape sports, culture & traditional practices for over 45 years. Most recently the “Games” have been revived by the five Mi’kmaw communities of Unama’ki (Cape Breton) with yearly contributions since 2010, with each community taking turns hosting the event, last year being held in the community of Membertou. Typically there are close to 20 different sports that take place at each Summer Games, depending on the capacity of the host community and accessiblility of quality facilities.
Sports Overview & History 1 Some sports include fastpitch softball, basketball, volleyball, archery, canoeing, track & field, floor hockey, badminton, golf, 5k Run, Tug of War, Washer Toss, horseshoes, darts, etc. The Summer Games also have a Special Olympics component where youth with special needs get an opportunity to play these sports and are awarded medals just like everyone else! The majority of the games will be held in the community of Wagmatcook with the possibility of hosting some in Baddeck. Teams from across Nova Scotia ranging in age groups from PeeWee to Master’s (40 & Over Division) will participate in these games for 7 days.
Cultural Activities 2 The NS Mi’kmaw Summer Games will also proudly display numerous cultural activities with the majority taking place at the newly built Cultural Grounds. There will also be a Traditional Triathlon that will highlight some of the top athletes in male/female age categories in the three sports of canoeing, running and archery. There will also be a traditional gathering (Mawiomi) that will have cultural competitions in the “Ko’jua” dance, the traditional game of Wal’tes & tea boiling. There will also be a traditional princess pageant where the top young princesses from across Nova Scotia will compete for the title of Summer Games Queen.
Cultural Activities The NS Mi’kmaw Summer Games will also proudly display numerous cultural activities with the majority taking place at the newly built Cultural Grounds. There will also be a Traditional Triathlon that will highlight some of the top athletes in male/female age categories in the three sports of canoeing, running and archery. There will also be a traditional gathering (Mawiomi) that will have cultural competitions in the “Ko’jua” dance, the traditional game of Wal’tes & tea boiling. There will also be a traditional princess pageant where the top young princesses from across Nova Scotia will compete for the title of Summer Games Queen. 2
Social & Family Events 3 We will be hosting nightly entertainment with both local & guest performers that will wow the crowds with both cultural & mainstream performances! The NS Mi’kmaw Summer Games will also be the host of the very first NS Mi’kmaw Hall of Fame Banquet and will garner many, many individuals. We will be hosting “Family Day” for all families to bring their children each day during the Summer Games. This year the Summer Games Host Committee has big plans to welcome other cultures to our event and highlight professional mainstream performers.
Planning & Preparation Average costs for hosting the Summer Games each year ranges close to $300,000.00 with usually a $50k buffer for miscellaneous needs. Currently we have approximately $200-$250k out of the $350k needed to host the games so we are always in search of key funding partners and sponsors that may want to get involved. Sponsor packages are ready and will be provided to any interested local or mainstream sponsor that wants to contribute to the Summer Games in direct cash, product or service sponsoring, etc. Local stores, gas stations, grocery stores, gift shops, restaurants/eateries, hotels/motels and other in-direct businesses can/will benefit from all of the increased local traffic. The Summer Games Host Committee wants to promote businesses in the Baddeck & Area that will provide sponsorship, reduced rates for the Summer Games and more! We will provide updated information on the Summer Games through a “Live” internet feed of the events that we plan on hosting this summer!
For more info, please visit our website at… www.wagmatcook.com Presenter: Terry Bernard 2017 NSMSG Co-Coordinator Email: 2017nsmsg@wagmatcook.com Phone: (902) 295-2755 Thank you for your time and looking forward to your support… Everyone is Welcome! Bring the entire family! No drinking or drugs allowed at all events!