19th Century Author research project You will have until the first week back after Christmas.
The 19th century was 1801 - 1900 Admiral Lord Nelson died after winning the Battle of Trafalgar and wiping out the combined French and Spanish fleets. Queen Victoria reigned until 1876.
Arthur Conan Doyle Mary Shelley Bram Stoker Your job is to choose a 19th Century author to research and then make a short presentation to the rest of the class about them. H.G Wells Charles Dickens Charlotte Bronte
Interesting life events… Where they grew up… What they wrote and why…
Research Checklist Research 19th century authors and choose one to make a presentation about. Research their life and works. Find interesting facts that will amaze your listeners! In your own words briefly explain what you’ve found out. Can you think of an interesting way to present your information?
Challenge Tasks Find an extract from one of your chosen author’s books to read out. Explain what it’s about and what it tells us about life in Victorian Britain. Head Teacher’s commendation will go to those of you who manage to read a whole Victorian novel or short story between now and when we get back in January.
Reading, and Speaking and Listening Foci: I can find and select information and present this in a clear and interesting way. I can explain how texts relate to their social and historical context ( I can explain how the poem/book shows what life was like in the 1800s) I might be able to comment on the writer’s purpose or viewpoint ( why did they write this story? What were they trying to show?)