Bodhidharma & Daruma dolls
Legend says. The Bodhidharma was a Buddhist priest Legend says .... The Bodhidharma was a Buddhist priest. He sat and meditated for nine years. When he finally moved to stand up, his arms and legs were too stiff to stand upright. Nothing can stop the teachings of the Buddha, the Dharma thought to himself. I must move from village to village, sharing with the people what I have discovered while meditating. Since the Dharma could not stand up and walk, he rolled from village to village, spreading his teachings. Today ... Daruma dolls are used as scarecrows in fields to scare away birds and evil spirits. Daruma dolls are used as characters in children's plays.The daruma doll has a face that is painted without eyes. One eye is painted on the doll when a goal is made. The second eye is painted when the goal is complete. Darumas come in many sizes - from lifesize (and larger) to dolls no larger than a fingernail. They're made of many materials and are the creations of many talented artists.
Bodhidharma An Indian sage credited as the founder of Zen Buddhism . Daruma The Japanese term for Bodhidharma; most commonly refers to the Daruma doll. Enlightenment A blessed state in which the individual transcends desire and suffering and attains Nirvana Legend An unverified story handed down from earlier times, e specially one popularly believed to be historical. Meditation continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature ; "the habit of meditation is the basis for all real knowledge "
Daruma Kamakura Era, 14th Century Ink Painting Inscription by Issan Ichinei Tokyo National Museum
Bodhidharma (Daruma) Tokusan and Rinza (Soga Jasoku) courtesy:
Bodhidharma Japan, Early 18th Century by Chikanobu Shushin (1660 - 1728) Ink and Colors on Silk Pacific Asia Museum Collection Gift of Dr. Jesse L. Greenstein, 2002.4.15
Bodhidharma (Daruma) 15th Century by Shokei Kyoto, Nanzenji Temple
Sesshu (1420-1506)
Daruma dolls, still in their protective plastic wrapping
Modern Woodblock by David Bull
Making daruma
http://www. youtube. com/watch
Short-Term are goals that you can achieve within days or weeks. Set Short -Term goal and Long-Term goal Short-Term are goals that you can achieve within days or weeks. Long-Term goals are those that will take weeks, months or years. What are some examples?
Set Goals that are specific, measurable and realistic Not specific- I will do better in school Specific-I will get a B in Math Not measurable-I won’t be shy Measurable-I will raise my hand at least three times today in school. Not realistic-Even though I usually get all Cs on my report card, this semester I will get straight As. Realistic-I usually get al Cs on my report card, but this semester I’m going to get Bs in at least two classes