What is “Public Domain”? Content that is free and available for the public to use in any way they choose Can be used without permission. Essentially, content in the Public Domain are not copyright protected.
Types of works that fall under Public Domain Ideas and facts Works with expired copyrights Most U.S. government works Scientific principles, theorems, mathematical formulae, laws of nature Scientific and other research methodologies, statistical techniques and educational processes Laws, regulations, judicial opinions, government documents and legislative reports Words, names, numbers, symbols, signs, rules of grammar and diction, and punctuation
Types of works that fall under Public Domain Many books, film, images – usually older Project Gutenberg – Collection of public domain ebooks
What are you allowed to do with works in the Public Domain? Answer: Pretty much anything you like… A recent trend…public domain mashups
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Public Domain Mashups Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Public Domain Mashups Dracula and Kittens
Public Domain Mashups LOL Cat Bible
How does a work become part of the public domain? Anything published in the U.S. before 1923 is in public domain The owner or creator of a work can designate a work in the Public Domain
Want more information or to update your knowledge on public domain? Check out my Exploring Public Domain tutorial at