To get to DESTINY in school: Login Click START button Select PROGRAMS Select DESTINY To get to DESTINY from HOME: Go to Lake county schools website Go to the QUICKLINKS box Scroll down to DESTINY USERNAME: Student\lastnamefirstnamemiddleintial John A Smith (smithjohna) PASSWORD: School login password (last 5 digits of Student ID number)
When you start DESTINY, it brings you to the HOME page. This is a page of links you can use for book-related web sites.
Catalog tab This is where you search for books by: KEYWORD TITLE AUTHOR SUBJECT SERIES
To search for a book Type your subject on the line that says FIND
Next, click either the keyword or subject button
This page shows all the books in our Media Center with “wolves” in the title or as the subject It also shows whether or not the book is on the shelves.
This icon shows that it is a book This number shows where it is located on the shelves. It is non-fiction since it has a number.
This call number tells us it is a Young Adult book (YA) and is fiction
Click on the Details button to get more information about the book.
Here is the Dewey decimal number again Here is a short summary of the book
These “Find it” boxes give you more suggestions for the subject If you click on the Series: Zoo books box, it will list all the Zoo books
Here’s the list of Zoo books in our library
BIOGRAPHIES If you want to look up a person’s life, use their last name and click Subject
This is the list of books we have on President Obama. This shows you how many books we have
This call number shows that it is in the EASY section, because it starts with an E The B stands for Biography
This B means it is in the BIOGRAPHY section. Book s in the Biography section (even though they are non-fiction) are in alphabetical order by the last name of the person they are about. That means that Michelle Obama is also in this section.
Other types of materials The Media center also has : DVD VHS Video Games Audiobooks MP3 books (Playaways) You can use any of these as keywords to find a list of items
This icon means it is a movie This call number means students may check it out. It is on the Mixed Media shelf. This call number means its only for teachers to check out.
Video games all have this icon Video games are in the Silver colored box labeled “Video games”. You must bring the empty box to Mrs. Lipovics to get the game cartridge or disc.
This icon means it is an audiobook or playaway Playaways have cards on the table across from Mrs. Lipovics’ desk. Give her the card and she will give you the playaway.
This call number means it is a game that can only be checked out for teachers to use with their classes. Students may not check them out.
Call numbers that start with an R are Reference books and may not be taken from the Media center.
Call numbers that start with P are Professional materials for teachers only.
Marvel comics The Marvel section is located between the end of FICTION and the EASY books.
They are all in the Marvel section. If you type in Marvel and click “Keyword” the list of our Marvel comics will come up. Some call numbers start with an E and some start with 741.5. They are all in the Marvel section.
HONOR BOOKS If you are unable to check out a library book either because: you already have too many books checked out you have lost books you have fines of more than 50 cents You may borrow an HONOR BOOK They are located next to the picture books in the middle bookcase. They are the last 2 shelves (top and bottom) of that bookcase. They are NOT listed in DESTINY
Finding and using E Books From the Catalog tab, type ebooks and click the Keyword button
Click on the Details button.
1. Make sure the title is available locally (Oak Park) 2 1. Make sure the title is available locally (Oak Park) 2. Click one of the check-out options If you choose “read online” you can read it there without checking it out If you check out online you can use any mobile device (Follett Ereader app) If you choose “Download”, it stays where you download it Checked out and downloaded books are automatically returned in 2 weeks. You will have to check them out again if you didn’t finish them.
Still have questions? Ask Mrs. Kane, your Media Specialist