Flying on the wings of faith Northern European youth conference 2013
VISION The person with a telescope will see farther ADVANTAGE The person standing on a raised platform will reach higher Faith will give you vision. Faith will give you advantage. Faith will take you where nothing else can! Mark 9:23 ATTAINMENT The person with a telescope standing on a raised platform will attain greater
outline Benefits of a working faith Basics of a walking faith Building a winning faith
Benefits of a working faith Faith convinces you of possibilities not yet seen (Hebrews 11:1,2). That makes you hopeful. Faith gives you special understanding (Hebrews 11:3). That makes you wise. Faith enables you to work towards a better future (Hebrews 11:4,5). That makes you prosperous.
Basics of a walking faith FAITH IN GOD AS A PERSON II FAITH IN YOUR ABILITIES THROUGH GOD III FAITH IN OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUR LIFE For we walk by faith, not by sight – II Corinthians 5:7
faith in god as a person Faith believes in a personal God (Hebrews 11:6). This makes you to say: “God knows me” “God cares for me” “God sees me” What does this do to you? It gives you a definite identity: you are not a number or an accident, etc. It gives you a special feeling that sets you free from what others think about you. You don’t need to do special (sometimes foolish) things to be noticed or accepted or respected. It gives you a place where you can hide when life becomes difficult. It helps you to make good choices because Someone is watching you all the time! God is not just there; He is right here!
faith in your abilities through god Character: Behaviour when misbehaviour seems so cool. Purity despite many temptations. Forgiveness of those who hurt you. Career: Energy to get the best from your education. Success where others are failing. Calling: Courage to stand for God publicly. Strength to influence others positively through the gospel. Power to devote your entire life to God’s service.
faith in opportunities for your life WHETHER YOU THINK YOU CAN OR THINK YOU CAN’T, YOU’RE RIGHT. (HENRY FORD) Faith gives you a positive attitude to life: “There is a place for me up there” “What others do or don’t will not discourage me” Faith helps you to attempt great things: “If someone can do it, I can do it too” “Even if it has never been done, why shouldn’t I be the first to do it?” Faith enables you to keep at it when others quit: “One failure cannot make me a failure” “There must be a way that works for me!” ISAIAH 50:7 Those who change their world must have faith one way or the other!
Building a winning faith (i) How can I be sure there is God? The testimony of the Bible confirms it (Genesis 1:1). What we see in nature testifies of it. Your conscience, if you will be honest, witnesses to it. To the common man, thinking there is no God feels quite unnatural (Psalm 14:1). God’s revelation to man attests of it. The coming of Jesus established it. Denying God has always led society into moral decay (Romans 1:28)!
Building a winning faith (ii) How then do I relate to God and build a strong faith in Him? Read God’s Word and hear it preached (Romans 10:17). Ask questions on things you do not understand (I Thessalonians 5:21). Apply God’s Word to your everyday life (James 1:22). Pray for God’s revelation and increase in faith (Luke 17:5). Read books on (and hear) others’ experience of God’s power and miracles (Mark 5:25-28). Minister to others according to your level of faith (Proverbs 11:25). Speak the language of faith (Mark 11:23). Stay in an environment of faith ()!
Let us pray See God as a Person: Father, Lover, Guide, Provider, etc. Talk to Him as Someone very near to you. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Ask Him to draw you nearer and talk to your heart. Ask Him to lift you up by His Spirit into a life of true faith. Give Him the most special place in your heart.