E safety in your home
Location Ensure your digital device is in a place where you can see what they are doing not in a bedroom Recent research has shown that children are only one click away from danger
SETTING RULES Ensure children are aware of how to stay safe online S – safe Keep safe by keeping your personal information private i.e. name., address, school name to people they don’t trust M – MEETING someone online can be dangerous they can be pretending to be anyone. A - Accepting anything from people you don’t know can be dangerous and unreliable Reliable – can you guarantee who the person you are talking to are who they say they are- is it someone you can trust Tell – tell your parent/trusted adult if someone on the internet makes you feel upset. You can report online abuse at www.thinkuknow.com
PASSWORDS Ensure only under supervised adult support do the children use the passwords to any digital devices and monitor what websites the children go onto. Ensure they are supervised at all times so that children do not accidently buy apps without our knowing. Change your password regularly to ensure that it is secure. Remember this is a safe guarding issue so don’t give in when they are shouting and screaming to know the password
Online Security Check with your online services they will normally provide you with free internet security Bt offer internet security as a family for a number of devices in your home Ensure you put parental controls on your digital device to ensure you can keep a time limit on how frequent they are using the internet. Ensure children only play the games appropriate to their age as a lot of these videos tend to be graphic. Check your search engines are on safe mode as this will filter inappropriate images but it will not filter all surveillance is important – talk to your child about way they go on regularly
Mobile Phones Ask permission before you take photos of other children in a public place.
Cameras At no time can adults working in a school environment take photos/videos/recordings of children within a school environment on their own personal cameras. Adults only use the cameras at school. Pictures of children's work are regularly erased and pictures shred. If pictures of children are use don the prospectus or for public viewing parents are asked for permission beforehand.
10 tips to keep your child safe online 1.Talk to your child frequently 2. Talk about what they are doing online and regularly 3.Let your child teach you how to use social networks and games 4.Ask an adult you know to help you 5 know who your child is talking to whilst online 6. Set rules and agree boundaries 7.Make sure that content is age appropriate 8. Use parental controls to filter, restrict monitor or report content 9. Make sure your child's privacy is protected 10.Check your child knows how to use the reporting tools
www.thinkuknow – Advice for pupils aged 5-14 Kidsmart – Learn more about being online and being a SMART surfer. WiseKids – Online Safety Tips Cyber Street - Offers a range of interactive resources providing clear advice on the essentials for enjoying a safe experience online. Childnet – Excellent site with info for young people, parents, teachers, professionals Safer Internet – e-safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe on the internet. Section for parents and carers Get Safe Online – Easy to understand, practical advice on how to protect you against problems encountered online. Digizen – Information on cyber bullying and how to become a responsible digital citizen. CEOP– Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre Knowthenet – has reliable advice and top tips to make the most of the internet
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5kW4pI_VQw Youtube - CEOP KS1 Film : 'Lee & Kim' Cartoon Suitable 5 yrs -- 7 yrs
For a step by step guide for parental controls http://www.internetmatters.org/technologies/parental-controls.html?gclid=CPHM9uftx8ICFW7MtAodLgkAHA