5/14/2018 The Integration of PC Tablet as a Learning Tool for Enhancing Language Arts V. Mitchell-Stevens
The iPad has benefits for the education process. Problem/Need Children ages 7-9 are very much engaged in digital devices and educators could enhance their learning experiences by diffusing a digital tool into the lesson plan for language arts. 5/14/2018 The selected digital tool is the iPad 2 which could be used as a visual aid for the study of language arts. The iPad has benefits for the education process. Children are aware of digital gadgets and PCs. V. Mitchell-Stevens
BASIC & CURRENT RESEARCH REVIEW 5/14/2018 Blasi & Alfonso (2006) stated the impact of technology on education must include consideration of the context and student traits. Clark (2005) discovered that technology could be used to enhance the learning process. Glover et al. (2007) study demonstrated that pedagogy style and the use of certain technologies has to blend in order to impact educational experiences. V. Mitchell-Stevens Wohlwend (2009) conducted a 3 year study determine that children are early adopters of technology because they are willing to play with new media.
Apple’s iPad Time Line of Difussion 5/14/2018 April 23, 2008 – Tablet PC Design Started January 27, 2010 – iPad announced April 2010 – iPad available V. Mitchell-Stevens October 2010 – 8.2 Million iPads sold January 2011 – iPad 2 Announced March 2011 – iPad 2 Available
S CURVE OF IPAD TABLET ADOPTION (4/2010-9/2010) 5/14/2018 Millions V. Mitchell-Stevens On 12/15/2010 number of iPads sold was 9.7 Million Retrieved from http://www.dailywireless.org/2010/12/29/2010-ipad-sales-10m
5/14/2018 V. Mitchell-Stevens iPad 2 Sales from 3/8/2011 to 4/17/2011
Teachers are the innovators INNOVATION PROCESS Teachers are the innovators Students in the innovators classes would be early adopters. Innovation Strategy Provide a pilot trial study using one classroom. Use a simple language arts lesson for collaborations between teacher-student, and student-student. Solicit feedback using interviews and questionnaires after 1 month of use. Produce a video clip showing teachers and students engaged in collaboration using the iPad 2. 5/14/2018 V. Mitchell-Stevens
INNOVATION PROCESS Innovation Strategy (Continued) Share the results of pilot study at N. J. State Teachers Conference and show the video clip. Recruit other language arts teachers to adopt the integration of iPad 2 in lesson plan. Show new teachers how to use them. Collect qualitative and quantitative data of frequency of use, number of teachers/students using them and if they are used for other subjects. Analyze the data and share the results at the Regional Teachers Conference with the video clip. The laggards are teachers who currently do not use PCs. Have teachers who are using iPad 2 mentor the laggard teachers. 5/14/2018 V. Mitchell-Stevens
Monitor the laggard teachers use of iPad 2 and frequency of use. INNOVATION PROCESS 5/14/2018 Innovation Strategy (Continued) Share the results of the pilot study and the expanded study with the laggard teachers. Provide a video clip on teachers and students collaborations using the iPad 2 so that the laggard teachers can observe. Monitor the laggard teachers use of iPad 2 and frequency of use. Interview laggard teachers for feedback and new ideas. The attributes that provide mass adoption are relative advantage, trialability and observability. Publish the studies in the Journal of Educational Technology. V. Mitchell-Stevens
BENEFITS FOR USING IPAD 2 DEVICE 5/14/2018 Free Education Applications such as MathBoard & SolarSystem eReader for textbooks eliminates carrying heavy books. VoiceOver Screen Reader for visually handicap in 21 languages. Engraved for free with students name or statement. Zoom for looking at detailed screen images and mindmapping images. V. Mitchell-Stevens
CENTRALIZED APPROACH Peers Teachers Media iPad 2 & Education Apps 5/14/2018 Peers Teachers Media iPad 2 & Education Apps V. Mitchell-Stevens Stake holders Change Agents Opinion Leaders
CRITICAL MASS OF INTERACTIVE INNOVATION 5/14/2018 Execute Hypodermic Needle Model Strategy Communicate iPad innovation synergy with education: Confer with key Change Agents – Director & Board of Directors Inform all Opinion Leaders – Master Teacher & Head Teachers Discuss with stakeholders - Students Talk to media representatives - eSchools Individual discussions with peers – Other Teachers Demonstrate the innovation for observability Share the results of pilot trial study V. Mitchell-Stevens
CHANGE AGENT SEVEN ROLES 5/14/2018 Define the problem using Gap Analysis and determine possible solutions. Establish good information exchange relationships with peers. View the problems from the students perspective Motivate the students/teacher interest with discussions and demonstrations Work with Opinion Leaders and highly influential people. Encourage all to adopt and answer all questions. Develop the adopters into Change Agents. V. Mitchell-Stevens
IPAD CRITICAL MASS IN SOCIETY(4/26/2011) 5/14/2018 Projected going into 2012 62.6m iPad 2 Critical Mass + 39.7m iPad V. Mitchell-Stevens 15.1m* Critical Mass *Millions Year ** 2010 ** 2011 2012
INNOVATION NEEDS - INNOVATION SOLUTIONS 5/14/2018 NEEDS SOLUTIONS Learning to learn Motivate student curiosity Reduce text book cost Digitize eBooks Improve learning Excite the learning process Teach technology skills Show/demo/train on the (STEM) applications Use social networking Provide collaboration projects Classes 300 days Bad weather video conferences V. Mitchell-Stevens
FINAL IPAD2 INNOVATION ASSESSMENT We are funded by the State of New Jersey – Lack of technology improvements will eliminate that funding. Reduction in student attendance – Reduces state funding. Current program operations – Dissatisfies parents because there are too many books to carry. iPad 2 Early Adoption – Eliminates all of the above. Educational institutions receive 50% reduction on product cost from Apple. Students are eager and motivated to own the iPad 2 PC Tablet. All textbooks required are preloaded in eBooks each year. No textbook storage area required. All parent/teacher conferences performed using iPad 2 video conference services, which takes these meeting to the next level. 5/14/2018 V. Mitchell-Stevens
Demonstration of using the iPod and Education 5/14/2018 V. Mitchell-Stevens Demonstration of using the iPod and Education Click here for demo but download to your PC. Then click on iPad in education.
References 5/14/2018 Blasi, L. & Alfonso, B. (2006). Increasing the transfer of simulation technology from R&D into school settings: An approach to evaluation from overarching vision to individual artifact in education. Simulation & Gaming. 37(2), 245-267. Doi:10.1177/1046878105284449. Dalum, B., Pedersen, O. R. C. & Villumsen, G. (2005). Technological life-cycles: Lessons from a cluster facing disruption. European Urban Regional Studies. 12(3),229-246. V. Mitchell-Stevens
Glover, D. , Miller, D. , Averis, D. & Door, V. (2007) Glover, D., Miller, D., Averis, D. & Door, V. (2007). The evolution of an effective pedagogy for teachers using the interactive whiteboard in mathematics and modern languages: an empirical analysis from the secondary sector. Learning, Media and Technology. 32(1), 5-20. doi:10.1080/17439880601141146 5/14/2018 Wohlwend, K. E. (2009). Early adopters: Playing new literacies and pretending new tecnologies in print-centric classrooms. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy. 9(2), 117-140. doi: 10.1177/1468798409105583 V. Mitchell-Stevens
Name: Storyboard Worksheeet Title:_____Integration of PC Tablet_as Learning Tool_____________________________________ Date: What we see Diagram or Picture What we hear PowerPoint Slide Show Problem/Need defined Diagram of Innovation –Diffusion Process Review of Current Basic & Applied Research Development Plans Slides 1-15 Short Video Demo Audible Voice discussion & Music 5. Marketing & Socialization Plan 6. Pilot Study Plan 7. Adoption Strategy 8, Measureable Outcomes defined 9. Review Consequences 5/14/2018 V. Mitchell-Stevens