Options for Copernicus Access and Services Platforms Maximising the use of EO data and information in Europe
Copernicus – as an EU programme – should serve the general interest of the Union and all its Member States. The Programme is managed by the Commission and its implementation follows EU rules and regulations. Consequently, any future option solution should be fully compliant with the rules of the Internal Market and respect the principle of non-discrimination.
Guiding principles Operational service accessible to all European and participating States Builds on Copernicus solid Core GS & services performances Provide critical mass in terms of data and computing power available Lower barrier to access resources Clearly defined perimeter for public service Attractive for investment & competitive environment Potential for data cross-fertilisation Leverage pan-European resources & know-how Compliance to applicable Regulation European Facebook network
Options considered Options which do not include any service obligation (or a very limited one) on the part of the industrial partners Privileged access – partner free to store all or a subset of data and information Privileged access – partner required to store all Copernicus data and information
Options considered Options which include service obligations on the part of the industrial partners Several platforms with a mandate to make Copernicus data and information accessible – procured from several different ICT companies/consortia Platform for Copernicus with a mandate to support the EO industry – procured from one ICT company or a consortium Platform for Copernicus – based on a federation of institutional (and private) ICT and EO platforms
Timing is critical The feasibility is demonstrated by pilot activities in Europe and US players are actively preparing their entry to the market with Copernicus information A European alternative needs to be operational in the shortest possible timeframe to create a level playing field European EO industry is preparing to seize the opportunity European IT industry must become part of the solution Courtesy EARSC
Way forward Target to provide fully operational platform service by end 2017 Select preferred option by spring 2016 based on: Discussions in TF and Committee Industry consultation with EO and IT sectors Deepened legal, governance, technical and cost analysis Prepare specifications in cooperation with EEs for autumn 2016 – technical working group Should complement IGS dissemination elements Requires close coordination & support by EE for implementation