Freizeit-Ferienzeit Treffpunkt Deutsch Sixth Edition Kapitel 5 Freizeit-Ferienzeit Treffpunkt Deutsch Sixth Edition
Comparative In German, an -er is added to the adjective / adverb to make the comparative form. schnell schneller (fast faster) If comparing another object, the word als (than) is placed after the comparative form. Das Auto ist schneller als das Fahrrad. Ich bin schneller als du.
Comparative Most one-syllable words containing a vowel add an umlaut in their comparative form. Adjectives ending in –er / -el, drop the –e and add –er a → ä lang → länger (long → longer) o → ö oft → öfter (often → more often) u → ü jung → jünger (young → younger) dunkel → dunkler (dark → darker) teuer → teurer (expensive → more expensive)
Comparative There are a few adjectives and adverbs that have irregular comparative forms. hoch → höher (high → higher) viel → mehr (much → more) gut → besser (good → better) gern → lieber (gladly → rather/prefer)
Comparative It is common to use the comparative form of an adjective before a direct object. When this occurs, you add the appropriate adjective ending to the comparative form. groβ → gröβer (large/tall → larger/taller) Dieses Zimmer ist groβ, aber ich möchte das gröβere Zimmer. (This room is big, but I would like the bigger room) Ich möchte ein gröβeres Zimmer. (I would like a bigger room.) NOTE the nouns that follow these comparative forms of the adjective are direct objects in the accusative case. If describing a masculine object, the comparative form for the accusative case would be as follows: Ich möchte den schnelleren Wagen. (I would like the faster car.)