Thinning and Plans for SuperBelle


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Presentation transcript:

Thinning and Plans for SuperBelle 5/14/2018 Thinning and Plans for SuperBelle -: Where we are -: SuperBelle Module and Radiation Length -: To-do-list for the next Production Ladislav Andricek, MPI fuer Physik, HLL Ladislav Andricek, MPI Munich

Large area diodes and mechanical samples 5/14/2018 Large area diodes and mechanical samples Alignment marks in BOX to find the partial p-implant after bonding IR photo: 80 nm step in BOX 4 "full size" 1st layer ILC ladders 100x13 mm2, 1 and 3 mm frame along the long side Diodes with various areas Ladislav Andricek, MPI fuer Physik, HLL Ladislav Andricek, MPI Munich

Large area diodes - characteristics 5/14/2018 Large area diodes - characteristics Ladislav Andricek, MPI fuer Physik, HLL Ladislav Andricek, MPI Munich

Large area diodes - characteristics 5/14/2018 Large area diodes - characteristics Ladislav Andricek, MPI fuer Physik, HLL Ladislav Andricek, MPI Munich

Large area diodes - characteristics 5/14/2018 Large area diodes - characteristics Ladislav Andricek, MPI fuer Physik, HLL Ladislav Andricek, MPI Munich

Large area diodes - characteristics 5/14/2018 Large area diodes - characteristics Ladislav Andricek, MPI fuer Physik, HLL Ladislav Andricek, MPI Munich

SuperBelle Module Still some open questions (among others..): 5/14/2018 SuperBelle Module Still some open questions (among others..): 1. How thick is the frame? 2. Need the Switchers to be thinned? 3. How large has the end of the ladder to be? Hans 4. Circuitery at the ladder end: Two Alu layers enough? Passive components? How to attach them? Connectors or direct flex lead attachment?.... urgent task for the "module group": - Sensor technology - ASIC designer - Hybrid designer next slide Ladislav Andricek, MPI fuer Physik, HLL Ladislav Andricek, MPI Munich

SuperBelle Module  Material Assesment 5/14/2018 SuperBelle Module  Material Assesment  Switchers or frame or both need to be thinned -: frame thinning: on chip or wafer level, post-processing (grinding) at IZM Munich  tests to start soon! -: Switcher thinning: on chip level difficult, but possible (SimbolX HED did it)  service provided by CMP Ladislav Andricek, MPI fuer Physik, HLL Ladislav Andricek, MPI Munich

PXD6  on SOI Wafer  first thin DEPFETs  5/14/2018 PXD6  on SOI Wafer  first thin DEPFETs  -: Thinning technology has now to be implemented into the DEPFET process! -: Top and Handle Wafer ordered  delivery in 4 weeks from now! Next steps: -: Define as fast as possible DEPFET chip sizes and arrangement on the wafer!!!  need of pre-processing before SOI production (oxidation, back side implant)  since already in PXD6 we will have MCM modules with DCD and possibly DHP at the ladder end, we need as soon as possible at least an estimate of the space requirements! The actual layout can follow later.... -: SOI production TRACIT/Soitec (50 µm top layer, Handle Wafer 400 µm), ~6-8 weeks ARO  need to submit the wafers end of November in order to have the SOIs ready for the PXD6 prod. Ladislav Andricek, MPI fuer Physik, HLL Ladislav Andricek, MPI Munich

Backup slides follow…. Ladislav Andricek, MPI fuer Physik, HLL

PiN Diodes on thin Silicon 5/14/2018 PiN Diodes on thin Silicon CV Curve: depletion at 50 V Al ρ ≈150 Ω.cm IV Curve: Irev<8pA at 50 V 20 diodes  Irev(50 V): <100pA/cm2 Ladislav Andricek, MPI fuer Physik, HLL Ladislav Andricek, MPI Munich

Thinning Technology Compatibility with the main production line tested 5/14/2018 Thinning Technology Top Wafer Handle <100> Wafer a) oxidation and back side implant of top wafer b) wafer bonding and grinding/polishing of top wafer c) process  passivation open backside passivation d) anisotropic deep etching opens "windows" in handle wafer Compatibility with the main production line tested So far: -: mechanical samples -: test structures (diodes) on SOI wafers The technology found its way into other projects: -: production of thin (75 and 150 μm) ATLAS pixel sensors for sLHC -: first production of Geiger-mode APDs on 70 μm top layer Ladislav Andricek, MPI fuer Physik, HLL Ladislav Andricek, MPI Munich