BIM2, BIM3 and technical information connections BIM The next steps BIM2, BIM3 and technical information connections Keith Wilson Construction Information Consultant
Where are we HEADING? BIM Level 2 - developing skills, experience and capability Security - build on PAS 1192-5 and expand, eg standardised terms & conditions for procurement Gradual move to BIM Level 3 ‘paving the way for smarter, better connected cities’ Source: Infrastructure and Projects Authority
Where are we HEADING? Focus in BIM Level 3 on ‘increased capability for whole-life cost measurement’ Improving client capability to use benchmark data on startup and whole life costs of assets BIM Level 2 mandated on appropriate centrally funded government projects by the end of 2016 Source: Infrastructure and Projects Authority
Government TIMETABLE Source: Infrastructure and Projects Authority
EU Meanwhile in the Representatives of public sector client organisations, policy units and national task groups for the UK, Italy, Portugal, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, France and Iceland Chaired by Adam Matthews (UK)
BIM LEVEL 2 Started in April Run by BSI and BIS
BIM LEVEL 2 Key resources on BIM LEVEL 2 website… BIM Level 2 guidance: UK edition (not yet published) BIM Level 2 guidance: international edition (not yet published) Product data definition (technical specification, free from the site, you need a copy)
BIM LEVEL 2 ecosystem Source and acknowledgement: NBS and Stefan Mordue
..but it doesn’t cover technical information and content
BIM Level THREE Level 3A Level 3B Level 3C Level 3D
BIM LEVEL 3 Public client engagement & early adopter programmes Processes, standards and supporting services Market engagement Source: Digital built Britain: Level 3 building information modelling strategic plan
What do library and information people need to keep in mind for BIM Level 3? Technical Source: Digital built Britain: Level 3 building information modelling strategic plan
What do library and information people need to keep in mind for BIM Level 3? Research Source: Digital built Britain: Level 3 building information modelling strategic plan
Meanwhile, back at the Product Data Definition technical spec Framework for structuring and organising product data Plain language dictionary Product data templates include performance, cost, supply Consistent format for manufacturers Improve consistency of information using plain language dictionary Ability to acquire security restricted and open data and manage it securely BIM4 Steering Group the ‘relevant executive authority’ CPA the ‘lead authority’
Product Data Definition Information Types Product production – needed by manufacturers to source, produce, distribute Obtainable – not related to a specific application or project Application – application/sector-specific and project specific (how the product is used) Installed – products in an ‘asset’ including soft landings and warranty
Product data plain language Dictionary Maintaining the dictionary Expanding the dictionary Using the dictionary for project specific needs only – these can be ‘user-defined’ or ‘client-specific’ Source: Product data definition: a technical specification for defining and sharing structured digital construction product information / Steve Thompson
Ownership of the Dictionary Executive Relevant Authority – approves Relevant Authorities, last resort for unique parameters, information sets, product data templates Lead Authority coordinates and approves requests and produces where there isn’t a Relevant Authority Relevant Authority usually will approve unique parameters, information sets, product data templates Source: Product data definition: a technical specification for defining and sharing structured digital construction product information / Steve Thompson
Proposing changes to the Dictionary Source: Product data definition: a technical specification for defining and sharing structured digital construction product information / Steve Thompson
Example of a User-defined product data template Source: Product data definition: a technical specification for defining and sharing structured digital construction product information / Steve Thompson
Uniclass 2015 NBS BIM Toolkit Plan of Work Uniclass 2015
Uniclass 2015 Source: NBS
Uniclass 2015 Where are we? Zz CAD was published in July CA Construction Aids is at beta testing/ consultation FI Forms of information is at beta testing /consultation PM Project management is at beta testing/ consultation Once all are published the classification will be complete
Uniclass 2015 Source: NBS
Uniclass 2015 Source: NBS
Uniclass 2015 Source: NBS
Uniclass 2015 This is a large table which also includes information types and construction content formats. Anomolies, eg ‘Technical standard’, ‘Statutory consent’ , ‘Planning consent’ and Planning permission’. Duplication between Tables FI and PM Source: NBS
Uniclass 2015 Ss_30_45 Pavement covering and finishing systems A conundrum for classifiers – is this about an Element or a System? Or would you locate all IANs together? In Table EF (Elements/functions), Pavements has the UK definition. Ss_30_45 Pavement covering and finishing systems
Uniclass 2015 PM_30_30_27 Energy strategy A conundrum for classifiers because Statistics and Digests are not handled as an information form in Uniclass. PM_30_30_27 Energy strategy
Uniclass 2015 PM_50_20_60 Temporary works impact A conundrum for classifiers because this is not likely to be handled in a project, as it is architectural praxis. PM_50_20_60 Temporary works impact
THANK YOU Keith Wilson Construction Information Consultant wilsonkm