Capacity Needs Assessment 2016 Child Protection Capacity Needs Assessment April 2015
Capacity Needs Assessment Contents 2016 Child Protection Capacity Needs Assessment Objectives Methodology Preliminary findings Next steps April 2015
Objectives To understand the capacity gaps and priority needs of child protection actors working in Syria in order to equip them with relevant and transferrable skills to deliver quality child protection services over time by: Working towards a more strategic and systematic approach for delivering trainings/ supporting capacity building initiatives with child protection workers in Syria. Supporting interagency capacity building initiatives to improve the efficiency and impact of child protection sub-sector efforts.
2016 HRP Child Protection Appeal n.B these are our internal/ reconciled figures
HRP Child Protection Targets Syria Turkey Jordan 2016 4335 1,672 644 2015 3560 900 100 22% increase 86% increase 540% increase
Methodology February 2016 Desk review March 2016 Key Informant Interviews April 2016 Survey
Elements of the Survey child protection workforce Profile of the Previous and upcoming capacity building events Gaps in knowledge and skills
Breakdown of Respondents 95 surveys completed Syria:31 Turkey: 27 Jordan: 19 Lebanon: 3 Iraq: 1 Unknown: 10 46 organisations participated Syria: 10 Turkey: 18 Jordan: 5 Unknown: 9 Breakdown by type UN: 4 INGO:11 NNGO: 21
Topline Survey Findings Profile of CP workforce Almost 60% of respondents work for organisations with a child protection team of more than 20 people 36% of respondents are very familiar with Child Protection Minimum Standards; 40% are familiar; 20% are somewhat familiar and 4% are not very familiar. Previous capacity building events 83% of respondents had received or delivered a CP training between 2014-2016 88% of respondents delivered/received training F2F in Syria; 34% F2F in a neighbouring country; 25% online via skype/webex; 13% via online learning programmes 45% of respondents rated trainings as effective and relevant; 33% said it was somewhat effective and relevant
Topline Survey Findings Planned capacity building events 41% of respondents said their organisation was planning to run a CP training in the next 6 months 77% of respondents said these events would be run F2F in Syria; 34% F2F in neighbouring countries; 37% online via skype and webex; 8% via online learning programmes; 8% via phone
Topline Survey Findings Sector Priorities 1. Child Protection Advocacy with decision makers (public and private) 2. Child Protection professional workforce strengthening, including tertiary opportunities 3. Child Protection Coordination and Partnerships Agency Priorities 3. Child Protection Contingency Planning and Rapid Response Mechanisms
Topline Survey Findings Training Priorities for 2016 Self assessment Specialised CP Services: CAAFG 26% no skills and knowledge 35% basic skills and knowledge Community-based CP: Psychosocial Support 31% basic skills and knowledge 49% intermediate skills and knowledge Case Management 30% basic skills and knowledge 40% intermediate skills and knowledge Explosive Remnants of War Risk Education 27% no skills and knowledge 10% intermediate skills and knowledge Community-based CP mechanism, e.g. committees and parenting groups 34% basic skills and knowledge 22% intermediate skills and knowledge Awareness raising and social mobilization of child protection issues 45% basic skills and knowledge 38% intermediate skills and knowledge
Topline Survey Findings Planned Trainings Number of mentions Community-based CP Inclusion 2 CB CP 1 Outreach and awareness RE PFA 5 Parenting skills PSS 13 CFS Youth resilience Specialised services Case management CAAFG BI SGBV General and cross cutting Basic CP 7 CPiE CPMS CP mainstreaming 4 Safe guarding Advocacy Planning, M&E
Next Steps WOS and hub analysis and interpretation events???? How? Draft strategy and action plan/s??? How? Who? Timeline? Resource mobilization – donor presentations Implementation of strategy and action plan/s
April 2015