Emotional Development One-Year-Olds http://www.nncc.org/child.dev/todd.dev.html http://www.parentingme.com/emotdev.htm
Egocentric View themselves as the center of the world Only care about their own needs, wants, and desires Don’t understand other’s feelings Want to be center of attention www.bridges4kids.org/images/toddler-flowers.jpg
Independence Want to be independent and do things for self Get frustrated when can’t Get overwhelmed by too many choices Become more self-aware Just beginning to understand actions have consequences Routine very important
Negativism Doing the opposite of what others want caused by: Frustration Expanding sense of independence and self 12-18 months may say no because they can say it 18-24 months may say no to exert independence http://ag.udel.edu/extension/fam/gb/27month/sad.jpg
Temper Tantrums Releasing anger or frustration by: Screaming Crying Kicking Pounding Holding their breath Child does not understand “later” More likely when child is hungry or tired www.benbdavis.com/Temper%20Tantrum%20Feb13-06.JPG
Playing Parallel Play – playing near but not actually with another child Cannot Remember Rules Have difficulty sharing Possessive www.jesseandjeremy.com
Developing Emotions Rapid mood shifts – intense, but short Begin to Express: Jealousy, Affection Pride Shame Empathy Are increasingly fearful Very Affectionate
Separation Anxiety Upset being separated from caregiver because is unsure caregiver will come back May cry when caregiver returns to release stress May get anxious even when in the same room with caregiver if child feels too far away