CHINA – 4 – Challenges facing urban communities A LEVEL – UNIT 3A – Theme 6a CHINA – 4 – Challenges facing urban communities
Theme 6a – Emerging Asia – China Key Question 1.1 What are the main physical and demographic characteristics of the country of China? * A brief overview at the national scale of patterns of (i) climate; (ii) relief, drainage and water availability; (iii) natural resources; (iv) population distribution; (v) regional differences in levels of development. Key Question 1.2 Why and how is the economy changing? * Changes in economic policies. * New industries in the changing economy. * Factors affecting the growth of new industries and the contrast between coastal areas and the interior. * Impact of the changing age structure on the economy. Key Question 1.3 What are the economic and social challenges facing rural communities? * Changes in the organisation of agriculture and rural economic communities. * The effects of population policies in rural areas. * The impacts and challenges for rural areas of migration. * Social welfare services such as health and education. * Sustainable development.
Key Question 1.4 What are the economic and social challenges facing urban communities? * Changes in the organisation of economic activities in urban areas. * Migration to urban areas and increasing social inequality. * Social welfare services such as health, education and housing. * Increasing rural-urban inequalities. * Sustainable development in towns and cities. Key Question 1.5 What are the effects of globalisation on China? * The role of foreign firms in changing and developing the economy. * The importance of exports and the role of the WTO. * The economic and political impacts of China’s trade with the rest of the world. Key Question 1.6 What are the environmental challenges and solutions facing China? * The cause and consequences of (i) soil erosion; (ii) industrial pollution; (iii) sustainable use of water resources; (iv) the need for energy supplies. * The balance between economic growth and sustainable development.