Faculty Of Civil engineering department BMCET,SURAT. PRESENTED BY: B.E. –CIVIL, SEM- lll SR.NO. NAME ENROLLMENT NO. 1 DADHANIYA VISHNU 130060106024 2 CHAUHAN RAHUL 130060106019 3 DESAI GATHA 130060106044 4 JOSLIN JOSE 130060106063 GUIDED BY:- ASS. PROF. ABHISHEK SEVWALA Faculty Of Civil engineering department BMCET,SURAT.
Contents: Defination of soil 4-5 Soil engineering and geotechnical engineering 6-7 Scope of soil engineering 8-20 Fundamental uses of soil 21-22 Areas of work of the consulting 23 Geotechnical engineer Limitation of soil engineering 24-25
GEOTECHNICS & APPLIED GEPOLOGY SUB CODE : 2130606 Defination of Soil:- The Word ‘soil’ is derived from the latin word ‘solium’,which means the upper layer of the earth that may be dug or plowed, specifically, the loose surface material of the earth in which plants grow. This defination of soil is used in the field of agriculture. To the geologist,soil is the upper layer of earth’s crust which can support plants. Natural aggregates of mineral grains, loose or moderately cohesive inorganic or organic in nature that have the capacity of being separated by means of simple mechanical processes.
To an engineer, soil is the unaggregated or uncemented deposits of minerals or organic particles produced by the disintegration of rocks. The term soil includes widely different materials like boulders, sands, gravels, clays and slits, and the range in the particle sizes in soil may extend from grains only a fraction of a micron diameter up to large size boulders.
Soil engineering and geotechnical engineering The term Soil Mechanics was coined by Dr. Karl Terzaghi in 1925 when his book Erdbaumechanic on the subject was published in German. Soil Engineering is an applied science dealing with the applications of principles of soil mechanics to practical problems. It has much wider scope than soil mechanics , as it deals with all engineering problems related with soils. It inludes, Site investigations Design and construction of foundations
Earth retaining structures Earth structures etc. Geotechnical engineering is a broader term which includes soi engineering, rock mechanics and geology.
Scope of soil engineering: Soil engineering has vast application in the construction of various civil engineering works. some of the important applications are as under: Foundation Retaing structures Stability of slopes Underground structures Pavement design Earthen dam
Foundation : Every civil engineering structure, whether it is building, a bridge or a dam is founded on or below the surface of the earth. Foundations are required to transmit the load of the structure of soil safety and efficiently. When, d <= b, it is called shallow foundation When ,d>b , it is called deep foundation Where b = width of footing. d = depth of footing.
Retaining structures : When sufficient space is not available for a mass of soil to spread and form a safe slope, a structure is required to ratain the soil. An earth retaining structure is also required to keep the soil at different levels on its either side. The retaining structure may be a rigid retaining wall or a sheet like bulkhead which is relatively flexible.
Stability of slopes : if soil surface is not horizontal, there is a component of weight of the soil which tends to move it downloads and that causes instability of slopes. The slope may be natural or man made. Fig. shows slopes in filling and cutting. soil engineering provides the methods for checking the stability of slopes.
Underground structures : The design and construction of underground structures, such as tunnels, conduits require evaluation of forces exerted by the soil on theses structures. The forces are discussed in soil engineering.
Pavement design : A pavement is hard crust placed on soil subgrade for the purpose of providing a smooth and strong surface on which vehicles can move. The pavement consists of surfacing such as bitumen layer, base and subbase. The behaviour of subgrade under various conditions of loading and environmental changes is studied in soil engineering.
Earthen dam : Earth dams are huge structures in which soil is used as a construction material. The earth dams are built for creating water reservoirs. Design of earthen dam requiresa knowledge of soil engineering.
fundamental uses of soil : In Civil Engineering, soil has two fundamental uses: As a construction material : soil is used as a construction material for the construction of Highway embankment Railway embankment Earthen dam Filling in low lying areas
As foundation : Every structure, Building Bridge Highway Tunnel Canal Dam ,is founded in or the surface of the earth.
areas of work of the consulting geotechnical engineer The consulting geotechnical engineer works with soil. His / her concerns originate from the interests of the civil engineer. Bearing capacity of soil. Earth retaining structures . Flow of watrer through soil. Soil as a construction material.
Limitation of soil engineering The limitations of soil engineering are as under : The strength and the behaveiour of soil depend upon pressure ,drainage , environment and many other factors. These changes must be considered when dealing with soils The type of soil changes at different locations. Thus the results experience vary from one project to another project. The most of soil is underground and cannot be inspected. Thus, adequate soil exploration should be done to determine the profile of soil strata
The properties of soil like density, pressure, shear strength, bearing capacity, etc. changes with depth of soil. The soil is three phase system, consisting of solids, water and air. The behaviour of a soil depends upon the relative proption of the three phase.