Structure and Application of MS Access User Database UNECE Training Workshop on Disseminating MDG Indicators and Statistical Information for Central Asia and Other CIS Countries Astana, Kazakhstan, 23-25 November 2009 Lilia Racu, National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova
NBS Strategy for Statistical Information Dissemination Building relationship with users: User database Capture and support of information about users Identification of user groups as a basis to determine the pattern of users’ requirements
User Database It was created in 2002 in MS Access Detailed information about: Users Orders, purchases Publications 2002-2009: over 800 users over 7500 disseminated copies over 180 publications
Information about User
User Segments Central and local authorities Education institutions (universities, libraries, research centers) Financial institutions Embassies, consular agencies International organizations Economic agents, associations, companies Mass media National statistical institutions Projects, centers, NGO
User Segments
User Categories Regular New Casual One-time Inactive over 2 years Potential
Data on Purchases
Data on Order Forms
Data on Publication
Advantages of Database Application Possibility to prepare detailed evaluations, reports about users and their requirements To conduct marketing campaigns To interview users Possible provision of discounts
Marketing Campaigns According to the international expert Petteri Baer, 9 campaigns have been conducted for the following publications in 2005-2008: Statistical yearbook Socioeconomic situation of Moldova Quarterly statistical bulletin Directory of statistical publications 12400 letters of advice were sent via mail 230 order forms were received 1500 publication copies were ordered 190 users subscribed
A poll to Determine the Level of Users’ Satisfaction Detailed information about users was provided from user database 500 respondents were selected for an interview
Possible Provision of Discounts 20% regular yearly order ordering yearly set of periodical publications 10% ordering 10 or more copies of one publication ordering all the publications from directory Discounts were provided for over 1600 copies of publications
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