Prepositions A word that shows the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and another word in the sentence.
It is a word of “position”. Your math book is underneath the apple. The preposition underneath shows the relationship of book to apple.
It is a word that shows a relationship. Someone behind us honked his horn. The preposition behind shows the relationship of someone to honked.
Changing Prepositions I hit the ball over the net. I hit the ball into the net. I hit the ball under the net. I hit the ball against the net. I hit the ball across the net.
Prepositional Phrase Starts with a preposition. Ends with a noun or pronoun (called object). Can include adjectives which describe the noun or pronoun.
The Prepositional Phrase A prepositional phrase always has at least one noun or pronoun as an object. EXAMPLE The pile of dry leaves had grown much larger.
of dry leaves of = preposition dry = adjective leaves = noun
for dogs and cats This flea collar is for dogs and cats.
near the airport They live near the airport. Write a sentences with a prepositional phrase.
Prepositions are color-coded green. Underline prepositions green. Circle prepositional phrases.
INFINITIVES An infinitive is a verb form that can be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Most infinitives begin with TO. TO+ VERB= infinitive To play, to eat, to swim, to read, to write, to run, to sing, to skip, to cry EX: The soccer player TO WATCH this season is Sam Walton. EX. Prepositions will be easy TO MEMORIZE.
PRACTICE Sandra went to eat with her best friend. I would like to read an interesting book this summer. The children want to go to the movies to watch The Lion King. The beautiful teacher needs to grade some compositions over the weekend. Now it is your turn…
Practice Please take out a sheet of paper. Write the heading. Write 10 sentences using prepositional phrases. VARY your sentences. Circle prepositional phrases in green.